Interstellar Space Molecules That Help Form Basic Life Structures 

URL to an interesting article

Reminds me of Fred Hoyle's Lifecloud, and an idea in Benford's  Galactic
Center series

First few paragraphs
"ScienceDaily (Sep. 20, 2008) — A team of  scientists led by researchers 
the Instituto Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)  has succeeded in identifying
naphthalene, one of the most complex molecules yet  discovered in the
interstellar medium. The detection of this molecule suggests  that a large 
number of the
key components in prebiotic terrestrial chemistry  could have been present 
the interstellar matter from which the Solar System  was formed.


IAC researchers Susana Iglesias Groth, Arturo Manchado and Aníbal García, in
collaboration with Jonay González (Paris Observatory) and David Lambert
(University of Texas) have just published these results in Astrophysical 
The naphthalene was discovered in a star formation region in the
constellation Perseus, in the direction of the star Cernis 52. “We have 
detected  the
presence of the naphthalene cation in a cloud of interstellar matter located 
lightyears from the Earth”, says IAC researcher Susana Iglesias Groth. The
spectral bands found in this consstellation coincide with laboratory
measurements of the naphthalene cation.
Iglesias Groth further adds, “we aim to investigate whether other, more
complex, hydrocarbons exist in the same region, including aminoacids”. When
subjected to ultraviolet radiation and combined with water and ammonium, 
both  very
abundant in the interstellar medium, naphthalene reacts and is capable of
producing a wide variety of aminoacids and naphthaloquinones, precursor
molecules to vitamins.
All these molecules play a fundamental role in the development of life as we
know it on Earth. In fact, naphthalene has been found in meteorites that
continue to fall to the surface of the Earth, and which fell with much 
intensity in epochs preceding the appearance of life."

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