Dr Who fans will flock to his church

Sep 13 2007


A CARDIFF priest loves Dr Who so much he is preaching to his congregation
through the Time Lord.

St Paul’s Church, in Grangetown, Cardiff, was used as a location for an
episode of the first series of Doctor Who starring the ninth Doctor played
by Christopher Eccleston.

And parish priest, Father Ben Andrews, 32, says he loves the cult TV show
so much he thought a themed evening would go down well with the youngsters.

He said: “I love the series and it has such a great following that we
couldn’t resist doing something for young people on a Dr Who theme.

“We will be looking at the idea of Jesus as a Lord of time and showing who
Jesus was and the different images of him throughout time.

“We will try and get some Dr Who props in to try and make it as lively as

The evening will use themes from the series to explore the Christian faith
with hopes that young people can worship in a way that’s right for them.

Fr Dean Atkins, Diocese of Llandaff Youth Officer, thinks the night will
prove a big hit with youngsters.

He said: “I think it’s a really forward-thinking thing to do.

“Using popular culture is a very good way to communicate with youngsters
and I think it will be a very successful night.”

Fr Andrews says he hopes the church can capitalise on the popularity of
the BBC Wales production, especially as the church starred in an episode
of the show and was even pictured in a Dr Who calendar.

He said: “Lots of people think that young people are the future of the

“This kind of event will show they are part of the church of the present
and have an important part to play in its future.

“We are building on the past but always looking forward. Everyone is
welcome and we’re hoping for a big turnout.”

Fr Andrews, however, refuses to be drawn on whether he’s managed to entice
any aliens or monsters.

“You’ll just have to wait and see!” he said.

The Dr Who themed evening of worship takes place at 6.30pm, on Sunday,
September 23, at St Paul’s Church, Grangetown, Cardiff.

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