I wrote the below earlier this year. At the time I wasn't super impressed with 
the show. It was okay, with decent action, nice fights and such. But I just 
couldn't see how they'd sustain this chase/on the run/save the future theme.  
Seemed like it would get old. And maybe in time it will. But I have to admit, 
I've really enjoyed the first, abbreviated season, which Fox kindly reran 
across several weeknights recently (why doesn't everyone do that nowadays?)  
The writers are doing a good job of pacing things so that it's neither too much 
too soon, nor being dragged out too long: the chess-playing computer that will 
become Skynet, the traffic cameras that may become its first eyes...the 
Terminators posing as humans and chasing after Sarah...the "good" Terminator, 
nicely played by Summer Glau as the (mostly) emotionless, butt-kicking robot in 
a slight girl's body, the FBI agent pursuing them who's now a believer.  All 
the characters are interesting, the actors competent to impressive. 
I'm even starting to like the kid who plays young John Connor, now that he's 
slowly developing a little harder edge. Initially I had issues with him seeming 
software, weaker than the young actor who portrayed the role in T2, but the 
character's finally taking on a more mature tone.  And who'd have thunk I'd 
enjoy Brian "90210" Green in a scifi thriller?? Yet I like his storyline as the 
soldier from the future, back in the past to change his present, kinda like 
Cable in the X-Men comics. 
 The overall production value of the series is high, which probably contributes 
to my enjoyment. And, like the best action shows (The Fugitive, Alias, Prison 
Break in the first season), the show's exciting, full of explosions and fights 
and chases, but anchored by some dramatic elements that let you see the 
characters as more than just types.  John's struggle with being a savior while 
trying to just be a teenager, Sarah's struggles to protect her son in a life 
she hates, those who enter their circle dealing with the mind-bending reality 
of what may be coming.  The whole thing's been exciting and engaging. Now, 
after two or three years, I might tire of it the way I did with "Prison Break" 
and "Lost", but for now I'm enjoying the ride.

< Sun 01/13/08 9:17 pm scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >
What do you think? It didn't really give me enough to love or hate it. I like 
all the characters. Summer Glau, who looks so young, makes a good contrast as 
the killing machine. A scene when she takes out a bunch of dudes while stark 
naked is funny. Lena Headey is okay as Sarah Conner. On first blush, she's not 
as hard looking as Linda Hamilton was in Terminator 2. Headey is almost too 
pretty for me to believe she's on the run the way the series suggests. Again, I 
contrast her raven haired beauty with the rawboned, lined face, and haggard 
features of Hamilton in T2. But every now and then, Headey will gave that 
"look" that same slight frown, the furrowed brow that she gave the Spartan king 
in "300" as she urged him to kill Xerxes' envoys. When she does that, in those 
moments i see the strength of Sarah Connor. Still not sure I'll like her as 
much as Hamilton, but maybe that will come with time.

Like all shows like this, I have initial doubts about a running (literally) 
theme that is the sole focus of the show. The action tonight didn't really 
allay those doubts. it was good, but not spectacular. But then I'll be willing 
to give it time to see if it develops a storyline that'll keep me engaged.


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