
Subject: [Hard SF] Mysterious cosmic powerhouses explored

URL to a link in Science Daily News

First few paragraphs
ScienceDaily (Dec. 25, 2007) — By working in  synergy with a ground-based
telescope array, the joint Japanese Aerospace  Exploration Agency 
Suzaku X-ray observatory is shedding new light on  some of the most 
objects in our galaxy, but objects that remain  shrouded in mystery.
These cosmic powerhouses pour out vast amounts of energy, and they 
 particles to almost the speed of light. But very little is known about 
 sources because they were discovered only recently. "Understanding these
objects  is one of the most intriguing problems in astrophysics," says 
Anada of  the Institute for Space and Astronautical Science in Kanagawa, 
Anada is  lead author of a paper presented last week at a Suzaku science
conference in San  Diego, Calif.
These mysterious objects have been discovered in just the last few years by
an array of four European-built telescopes named the High Energy 
System (H.E.S.S.), located in the African nation of Namibia. H.E.S.S.
indirectly  detects very-high-energy gamma rays from outer space. These 
gamma rays
are the  highest-energy form of light ever detected from beyond Earth, so
H.E.S.S. and  other similar arrays have opened up a new branch of astronomy.
The gamma rays themselves are absorbed by gases high up in Earth’s
atmosphere. But as the gamma rays interact with air molecules, they produce 
particles that radiate a blue-colored light known as Cherenkov  radiation.
H.E.S.S. detects this blue light, whose intensity and direction  reveals the
energy and position of the gamma-ray source.
The H.E.S.S. observations were groundbreaking, but the array’s images aren’t
 sharp enough to reveal the exact location where particles are being
accelerated  or how the particles are being accelerated. To solve this 
several teams  aimed Suzaku in the direction of some of these H.E.S.S. 
sources. Any
object  capable of emitting high-energy gamma rays will also produce X-rays,
and Suzaku  is particularly sensitive to high-energy (hard) X-rays.
When Anada and his colleagues pointed Suzaku at a source known as HESS
J1837-069 (the numerals express the object’s sky coordinates), the X-ray 
closely resembled X-ray spectra of pulsar wind nebulae — gaseous clouds 
are sculpted by winds blown off by collapsed stars known as pulsars. Pulsar
wind nebulae emit hard X-rays, and their X-ray output remains relatively
constant over long timescales. "The origin of the gamma-ray emission from 
J1837-069 remains unclear, but we suspect that this source is a pulsar wind
nebula from the Suzaku observation," says Anada.
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton
X-ray Observatory have revealed that other H.E.S.S. sources are also pulsar
wind  nebulae. These combined gamma-ray and X-ray observations are revealing
that  pulsar wind nebulae are more common and more energetic than 
had  expected.
Another group, led by Hironori Matsumoto of the University of Kyoto in 
 targeted Suzaku on HESS J1614-518. This source belongs to a class of 
 known as "dark particle accelerators" because their ultrahigh energies
suggest  they are accelerating particles to near-light speed, turning them 
cosmic  rays. But what are these objects, and what kinds of particles are 

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