We get back to my original point: the topic in the subject line is
"intentionally alarmist," and I believe the author does his cause
little good but resorting to such hyperbole. Your commentary,
however, has been well considered and worth contemplating. Thank you,
for your passionate response.
Valid Points, however, consider this. Power lines have been out for
ages. Rumors and studies about their possible link to cancer were
squashed for decades. Studies proving their links were labeled
"intentionally alarmist." If you asked your doctor about the safety of
living near one, he would l
I still think the term "intentionally alarming" applies here. I don't
believe five minutes exposure to anything, whether it be microwaves,
cigarette smoke or cell phones triggers cancer. Whereas the dangers
of cigerette smoke and high power lines are well documented. We are
thirty years
I really do not get by what you mean by "intentionally alarming". Its
sounds like the argument the Bushies use as an argument against
addressing global warming or those "bought and paid for" doctors in the
sixties who dismissed the reports of the dangers of smoking as
"intentionally alar
I never know what to do with information like this. Oh, yeah, when
scientific information like this is intentionaly alarming, I ignore it.
My son, a sophomore in college (go Badgers!), and I were having this
conversation last weekend. He knows I personally think the microwave
oven is the great