Seinfeld recently got paid $10 million to do a series of Microsoft
commercials featuring him and Gates.  They seem to be about nothing and in
some instances, like the scene in which Gates twitches his butt you may be
inclined to gag.  The are meant to be funny, but most people are left
scratching their heads.  Ironically, there are times where Gates looks like
he would do well in comedy with a good script

Have you seen the first two commercials? What do you think?   If you have
not, check them out.  Even though they are bad, they definitely need to be
seen Tell me what you think. 

Commercial #1 Is Seinfeld's Spot for Microsoft Macrohard to Watch? 

We can (almost) forgive Jerry
1-a119-7a971ccfb7cf>  Seinfeld for Bee Movie. But this one just stings.

Microsoft unveiled a new commercial Thursday night featuring the comedian,
and to call it underwhelming is an understatement. The ad, which finds a
churro-chomping Jerry helping Microsoft founder Bill Gates find the right
pair of loafers at a discount shoe store, is so dull, so random and, worst
of all, simply not funny, it makes Mac guy Justin
a-b3da-2c6296c19f07>  Long look like a comic genius. (Although we admit
Gates whipping out his Shoe Circus Clown Club card did make us crack a

Oh yeah, lest we forget, Jer was reportedly paid $10 million to appear in
this spot, part of Microsoft's new $300 million campaign.

But that's our two cents. (Certainly not 10 mil!) Have a look and let us
know what you think.



Commercial #2 SeinSoft Goes from Ad to Worse 

That first Jerry
1-a119-7a971ccfb7cf>  Seinfeld/Bill Gates shoe-shopping Microsoft ad was so
atch.html> , we thought it couldn't get any worse. Boy were we wrong. Check
out this achingly horrendous next installment of the former funnyman's $10
million fleecing of the Microsoft billionaire. Or was that billion error?  

Anyhoo, after you waste 4:30 of your time, help us out and vote on what's
the worst of it in the quiz below, or hit us back in the comments section.



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