Fangeeks are gonna have to hold their horses. The precious is on hold again.

The pair of Hobbit movies has been pushed back to the end of 2012, according
to Variety <> . The studio
tells the trade the best outlook for the Lord of the Rings prequels is in
the fourth quarter of that year, but even that's not set in stone.

First there was that drama
with Sir Peter
<>  Jackson
(yeah, he was knighted), then the estate of author J.R.R. Tolkien began
battling over profits
html>  and now the delay is due to changes at New Line Cinema.

Here's what we do know: Jackson is producing, Hellboy's Guillermo del Toro
is directing
l>  and, from the looks of it, Ian McKellan and Andy Serkis will be back
in the fellowship for the two-parter. Plus, Orlando
<>  Bloom
told MTV
rn-as-legolas-in-the-hobbit/>  earlier this week that he'd be game to strap
on his Elf wig yet again, and Cate
Blanchett has also expressed interest in heading back to Middle-earth.


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