The iPad: A Cat's Perspective by Mike Krumboltz

 9 hours ago
        984 Votes

The recently released
iPad<>is, in the
words of Apple cofounder and CEO Steve
Jobs <>, a "magical
and revolutionary product." That may be true from the human perspective, but
how does the feline species feel about the touch-screen device?

One cat owner aimed to find out. He placed his iPad in front his cat, Iggy,
to see just how user-friendly the device really is. Watch below for the

As you can see, Iggy finds the device quite user-friendly. Not shy about
diving in with paws first, the curious cat especially enjoys creating music
on the iPad's piano.  If only it came with a yarn app...

Cats dig it, but what about their arch rivals: dogs? Here's a video that
shows Chloe the canine's experience with the tablet. Chloe, after some
initial paw-padding, backs away and barks at Steve Jobs' wonder-product. She
must be more of a PC pooch.

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