It appears that white women have taken the bait. They are now 
switching to McCain in the latest polls. 

You get the govenment you deserve.

--- In, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Exactly* what the GOP is hoping for. "Uber-Woman", to steal the 
Clinton constituency, regardless of the chasm in their belief systems.
> --- On Mon, 9/8/08, ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Sarah Palin is female Clark Kent
> To:
> Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 11:14 PM
>             http://www.telegrap newstopics/ 
uselection2008/ republicans/
> 2689578/Celia- Waldens-verdict- on-the-Sarah- Palin-look. html
> Sarah Palin wants to look as if she's too busy to spend time on her 
> hair, but the style is carefully thought out.
> By Celia Walden 
> Last Updated: 7:06PM BST 05 Sep 2008
> When a woman wants to be taken seriously she can go down one of two 
> routes: she can read the Economist from cover to cover, inject a 
> little environmental hand-wringing into her dinner party repertoire 
> and take a vow never, ever to mention designer footwear in public. 
> she can tie her hair up and don a pair of glasses.
> As a former beauty queen, Sarah Palin - known in her basketball 
> as Sarah Barracuda - has a point to make: she's a female Clark Kent 
> wishing to distance herself from the spandex and big hair of her 
> cover-girl days; she's a hockey mom encumbered by her looks - or is 
> she? That luxuriant hair, tied up so impatiently, is as carefully 
> thought out as the spectacles; (I'm 90% sure they're clear glass).
> "Palin wants it to look as if she's too busy to spend time on her 
> hair, but this style would take a good hour to do at home," says 
> Brendan Fowles at Daniel Galvin who "barracuda'd me" for the 
> sum of £75. "She's got very good hair but you need to put curlers 
> the whole head first, to get the volume, tie it tightly into a pony-
> tail and then pin down the bits at the back so that they look 
> tousled. The look is feminine without being feminine but quite 
> repressed, and because of that oddly sexy."
> Odd? Definitely. Sexy? No. But I left the salon feeling righteous, 
> bossier than a sat-nav and dangerously contained.
> The look Mrs Palin has perfected, offering the world a tantalising 
> glimpse of her inner fox, is a winner. Her husband is the only one 
> gets the barracuda unleashed. Poor wholesome Todd had better not 
> the side down or Sarah'll get her gun.

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