I had to come back to read this again, with a fully serious eye to the subject 
(the previous attempts at humor were purely defensive, on all our behalves), 
and I see this line...

"Iger said the combination is "a perfect fit" with Disney..."


I don't know what they're smoking or drinking, but a lot of college kids would 
pay good money for doses of it.

Martin (really, REALLY confused)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 20:20:37 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Disney, Marvel write new tale


                  My actual newspaper has curriculum vitae for new Disney 
employees Wolverine, Iron Man, Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk, including 
aliases, experience, education and special skills.  Oddly not included in the 
on-line version of the story.



Disney, Marvel write new tale

Acquisition of comic superheroes called 'a perfect fit'

By Dawn C. Chmielewski and Ben Fritz

Tribune Newspapers

September 1, 2009

Click here to find out more!

Mickey Mouse is bringing in some muscle.

Significantly beefing up its stable of characters, Walt Disney Co. announced 
Monday that it had reached a deal to acquire Marvel Entertainment Inc., the 
comic book company whose superheroes have become Hollywood blockbusters, for $4 
billion in cash and stock.

The acquisition hands Disney a treasure trove of pop culture figures, including 
Spider-Man, the X-Men, Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Thor and the 
Fantastic Four, among a roster of 5,000 that it hopes will inspire countless 
movies, television shows and video games.

In recent years a risk-averse Hollywood has become increasingly reliant upon 
comic book-based stories that appeal to an established -- and heavily male -- 
fan base. With Marvel, Disney gets one of the heaviest-hitting creators of 

Marvel, despite its rich library of characters, has limited experience making 
its own movies. Until it produced last year's "Iron Man," the company licensed 
its characters to other studios. But Disney is betting that with Marvel it 
acquires the kind of brand-name recognition it gained when it bought Pixar 
Animation Studios in 2006, especially among teens and young adults, who are the 
core drivers of the box office. That's an audience segment Disney has struggled 
to attract, as it has been more successful with families.

"They've shown a tremendous skill at increasing the commercial appeal of 
characters like Iron Man that traditionally weren't well known outside of 
Marvel's core fan community," said Disney President and Chief Executive Robert 
A. Iger. "And we believe there's further opportunity to mine Marvel's rich 
intellectual property portfolio."

To be sure, Disney isn't the first studio to discover the power of Marvel 

Many of the best-known members of the publisher's muscle-bound lineup are 
locked up in deals with other movie studios. Sony Pictures owns the big-screen 
rights to Spider-Man in perpetuity, as does 20th Century Fox for the X-Men, the 
Fantastic Four and Daredevil. Paramount Pictures will distribute five upcoming 
films set to be financed by Marvel, including "Iron Man 2," "Thor" and "The 
First Avenger: Captain America."

Even though Disney will not control those movies, it will reap some of the 
proceeds. Disney also will control much of the related merchandising, often a 
major profit source for motion pictures. And it will be able to create movies, 
TV shows and video games based on Marvel's other characters.

Gareb Shamus, chief executive of Wizard Entertainment, which publishes a 
leading magazine following the comic book industry, thinks Hollywood has barely 
scratched the surface of Marvel's roster. Lesser-known characters that could 
make the leap off the comic book page include the crime-fighting duo Cloak and 
Dagger, underwater hero Namor the Sub-Mariner, incredibly strong She-Hulk and 
teenage super group the New Mutants.

Heroes can be many places at once

"There are so many characters and sub-characters that have not been exploited 
in any way, shape or form," Shamus said. "So if Disney decides it wants to do a 
horror line or a supernatural line -- or anything else, for that matter -- 
there are characters for virtually all those themes in the Marvel library. 
Disney can say, 'We don't have to reinvent it. Let's take something we already 
own.' "

Disney has several outlets suited for superheroes, including a boy-focused 
cable network, Disney XD, which already carries 20 hours of programming based 
on Marvel's characters. The Burbank media giant operates theme parks on three 
continents, where it can create rides or attractions based on Marvel's 
mythology; a consumer products group with ties to the world's largest 
retailers; and an interactive unit that creates games and online communities.

"Now you have one of the most fantastic distribution systems on Earth that's 
going to take [Marvel's] universe and roll it out in such a way that we're 
going to have a cosmic soap opera across every conceivable media platform," 
said Jeff Gomez, chief executive of Starlight Runner Entertainment, a New York 
consulting firm that has done work for Disney.

But with so many of Marvel's characters already committed to other studios -- 
and theme park competitor Universal Studios, which operates the Marvel Super 
Hero Island attraction in Orlando, Fla. -- it's unclear which superheroes 
Disney will be able to use. Moreover, some devotees of comics' violent and 
often dark world are already expressing trepidation about Marvel's impending 
takeover by a company so closely associated with princesses and fairies.

"Would Disney start overseeing the comic book production too? Would a Disney 
representative be in charge of 'editorial policy'?" wrote one poster to an 
online forum for the Comics Buyers Guide, a popular fan magazine. "Just picture 
a writers' meeting: 'You can't go around having the Punisher kill all these 
people!' "

Analysts think that's unlikely. Christopher Vollmer, head of the media and 
entertainment practice for consulting firm Booz & Co., noted that Disney has 
managed to preserve the culture and autonomy of Pixar. With that acquisition 
three years ago, Disney took over the leader in computer animation and creator 
of such successful films as "Toy Story" and "Cars," and brought in its creative 
guru John Lasseter, who has worked to revive Disney's storied but stumbling 
animation group.

The origins of the deal

It has been no secret in Hollywood that Marvel has been available to be 
acquired at the right price for years. Indeed, Disney considered buying the 
comic book company a decade ago, according to Dark Horse comics founder Mike 
Richardson, who was involved in the discussions.

This summer, Iger approached Marvel Chief Executive Ike Perlmutter about a 
potential combination. Iger said in an interview with The Times that he had 
been looking at the comic book publisher and movie studio for quite a while, 
admiring the way its executives managed the company from a creative and 
business perspective. The two men met in Perlmutter's office in New York in 
June to discuss a possible deal and concluded negotiations over the weekend, 
Iger said.

"It's obviously a company that feels very familiar to us," Iger said. "It's 
about characters and stories and a brand, and using them in so many compelling 
ways, from games to all sorts of consumer products to film and television."

Iger said the combination is "a perfect fit" with Disney, complementing its 
characters and stories with narratives that reach a different demographic. The 
acquisition could also help Disney's film studio, which despite its deft 
handling of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise has never been able to 
develop a spandex-clad answer to movies such as Warner Bros.' "Batman" series.

"We think Marvel's library and brands are a solid strategic fit for Disney," 
Barclays Capital analyst Anthony DiClemente wrote Monday in a note to 
investors. "Disney should be able to leverage its global reach, execution and 
distribution capabilities to grow Marvel's brands and business opportunities."

Iger said the deal was already fanning creative sparks. Marvel's creative heads 
and Disney's Lasseter got together recently and discussed potential 
opportunities, he said.

"The group got pretty excited very fast," Iger told analysts Monday morning. "I 
almost felt like saying, 'OK, guys, you have to slow down. We haven't done this 
deal yet.' "

Marvel shareholders will receive $30 cash plus 0.745 of a Disney share for 
every Marvel share they own. That values each Marvel share at $50, based on 
Friday's closing stock prices. Disney plans to issue 59 million shares by the 
end of 2010 as part of the transaction.

Marvel shares jumped $9.72, or 25%, to $48.37 in trading Monday. Disney shares 
fell 80 cents, or nearly 3%, to close at $26.04 but rose 29 cents in 
after-hours trading.

Disney said the boards of both companies have approved the transaction, but it 
will require an antitrust review and the approval of Marvel shareholders.

dawn.chmielewski@ latimes.com


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