Don't need the book. I have friends who lived it first-hand. None of them 
needed to recount a single word, because the horror was vivid in their eyes.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:50:20 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Graphic novel: A.D.: New Orleans  After the Deluge




'A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge' by Josh Neufeld

A graphic novel captures the storm and its aftermath.

By John Reed

August 23, 2009


New Orleans After the Deluge

Josh Neufeld

Pantheon: 198 pp., $24.95

In 2007, Smith Magazine serialized a comics treatment of Hurricane Katrina and 
its aftermath. That work, "A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge," tracked the 
lives of seven New Orleans residents as they fled, remained and struggled to 
survive and recover not just their things but their lives. Its creator, Josh 
Neufeld, is best known for his collaborations with Harvey Pekar, whose scripts, 
highly detailed and paneled, come to life in the renderings of illustrators 
casually assigned.

Neufeld's style is in no way haphazard. His drawings are reminiscent less of 
the superhero than of the Sunday comics page. That doesn't mean they are 
youthful or naive. With simple lines -- deft and evocative -- Neufeld 
communicates complex human emotions. Two- and three-color palettes render the 
passing days with sober integrity.

As the pages progress, "A.D." highlights details that are surprising and vivid. 
As one character, Abbas, slips into denial about the disaster, his decision to 
remain behind at his convenience store -- with guns and supplies -- becomes 
indicative of the American dream. Abbas is not stupid; he is hardworking and 
fearless, and Neufeld casts him with charm and bravado. Denise, who curses the 
storm as a "bitch," and the blasé Doctor Brobson, toasting Katrina with a party 
in the French Quarter, also help humanize a catastrophe that outsizes ordinary 
understanding. The account of Kwame, shipping off to Ohio for his senior year 
in high school, simultaneously relates the human ability to adapt and overcome, 
and the terrible loss of leaving everything behind.

In places, Neufeld's scripting can be overdetermined. Outside of locations, 
dates and times, his narrative is conveyed entirely through dialogue, a 
decision that leads to clunky inclusions of back story. Mechanical moments of 
foreshadowing also trouble early pages. "Should I move some of this stuff in 
case we get flooding?" asks one subject, Leo, who also contributes the fateful: 
"Well, we still need to hope the levees hold."

And yet, at its finest, "A.D." sketches the incomprehensible: the storm that 
covers the city like a palm covering a dime; the buzzing of mosquitoes, septic 
and insouciant, in the fetid night; the overwhelming memories that leave a 
survivor bug-eyed and drowning. It is the people's history of Katrina; their 
experience of the hurricane, the flood and the government. Neufeld is sensitive 
to the failure of local and federal authorities as well as to the dangers of 
gangs and thugs in a blackout of law. But he remains objective -- reporting 
rather than pointing fingers at either the thugs that were there or specific 
politicians and agencies that fell woefully short.

The "novel graphic" or "graphic novel" is, in its own way, a return to the book 
before the printing press -- the illuminated manuscripts, scribes and artists 
working in tandem. "A.D." is a work in that tradition: of literature, of high 
art, and of reverence for nature and humanity.

Reed is books editor of the Brooklyn Rail.

Copyright © 2009, The Los Angeles Times





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