I agree with the article, but offer up one point in the show's defense.

It's only got one ep in the books. For all we know, that could be precisely 
what they intend.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 00:46:40 -0800
Subject: [scifinoir2] TV's Human Target Is A Poor Stand-In For The Real Thing




TV's Human Target Is A Poor Stand-In For The Real Thing


Last week, DC Comics released a collection of Peter
Milligan's Human Target comics to promote the new Fox television series it's
the basis for. This may have been a very bad decision... for the show. Spoilers
and ranting ahead.


>From its earliest incarnation, the comic book Human Target
was a psychological drama of sorts; even when Len Wein and Carmine Infantino
created him, there was an element of personality confusion to the character,
and the stories - Christopher Chance didn't just go undercover, he gave up his
very identity (and took on that of his client) to find the bad guy> That was
the original gimmick of the character, and what made him different from every
other bodyguard/detective/good guy out there. Years later, the character
reappeared under the Vertigo label, and writer Peter Milligan took that idea to
its logical extreme: After years of pretending to be other people, Chance had
literally forgotten who he was and even seemed somewhat unclear over whether
there really was a "Christopher Chance" at all. It's a compelling,
disturbing, take on the idea that gives it a gravity and purpose that the
series had lacked until that point... and it's entirely missing in the
television version.


I can understand that, of course; Giving the televisual
Chance the psychosis of his comic book counterpart would make it a much
different show, and potentially one that would be less likely to draw in
mainstream audiences at 9pm on Fox (To be slightly cruel, I'm also not sure
Valley could pull off that role). But even without the psychosis, Human
Target's core concept is still entirely absent from the television series:
Chance no longer lives up to his billing, but instead becomes Human Standing
Really Close To The Target. Where's the fun in that?


Well, okay: Human Target the TV show is, taken on its own
terms, kind of fun. It's a little light, sure, but it's fast-moving and has a
sense of humor that suggests that it knows just how ridiculous it is for the
most part. Plus, while Mark Valley may be (intentionally?) a black hole in
terms of personality, Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley bring a lot to their
roles and fill things out well... and those opening titles are great:



But the thing is, it's not really Human Target.


I've given up wondering why certain things are adaptations
as opposed to original creations, for the most part, but Human Target just
confuses me; it's different enough in concept, characters and tone from the
original that, if the names were different, it would be its own thing. It's not
an adaptation, or even a recreation; it's an appropriation of the name and idea
that someone will be protecting clients, and little else. It's not even as if
the comic Human Target would be difficult to do as a television series; it'd be
the anti-Dollhouse in some senses - multiple actors playing the same character,
instead of one actor portraying multiple characters - but as much about
identity and personality... which, come to think of it, may be as much a
turn-off to mass audiences as Dollhouse seemed to be. But it's hard to deny
that Human Target the comic - and especially Peter Milligan's more nuanced
take, as demonstrated in Chance Meetings - is much more interesting, individual
and worthwhile than the TV version. It's an ironic shame that the concept's
very identity was sacrificed in order to make it to television.



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