Hi there,

here's the next little step towards the version 2.4 of SCons, which is planned to contain the switch to using __slots__ for reducing the overall memory consumption. I've rebased my changes against the current trunk (default) of the main repo, and pushed the resulting changes to my "experimental" SCons repo. Note, that this branch is not planned to get directly merged into the main repo...it's just a preview/rebase for developers (I'm thinking mainly at Jason for Parts, and Ivan for PlatformIO) that might want to check for collisions with their tools/extensions. So, if you fall in this category too, or simply want to test the changes against your current project, you can download the branch like this:

  hg clone http://bitbucket.org/dirkbaechle/scons_experimental -r 

. Make sure that you execute this in a clean directory, such that your basic 
SCons repo doesn't get mixed up!

If you are interested in the exact diff for this patch, the single commit above might be too big to chew on for you. Then, looking at my original development branch

  hg clone http://bitbucket.org/dirkbaechle/scons_experimental -r 

, containing all single debugging/fixing/amending steps I did along the way, might give you further insight. If everything else fails, just ask. ;)

Please also take into account the mail


, where I described the planned changes on the Node API level.

That's it for now, I guess. Happy testing!

Best regards,

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