Hi folks,

I know that simeone on thw list has already mentioned this!
I am one of the folk on the list who reckon that James Oswald is one of
the great unknown Scots. As has already been mentioned on the list he was
born in Crail in the East Neuk of Fife ( Good name for a tune. In fact it
is attributed to him under the name of - curses who's moved my Gow
Collection) He was a music teacher and dancing master, as well as music
publisher in Edinburgh, then London. I believe he ended his career in
Londonas a court musicain to King George III. His major opus is "Airs for
the Seasons", 96 suites -each given the name of a flower. He is best kniwn
among folkies as the publsiher of the tune collection, Caledonian
Companion ( I think)

We were on holiday two weeks ago in St Andrews where our daughter is going
to university in September. We stopped in Crail one day and looked for
signs of recognition of their should-be-famous son. There is a nice museum
which commemrates among other things HMS Jackdaw which I think was a land
based training base for the fleet air arm in WWII. The person in charge
knew nothing of Oswald. I have yet to get back to the curator who was off
that day.

I see in the Scotman that there is a music festival soon in Crail. An
obvious opportubity for an ensemble specialising in the music of one of
the Scottish masters of the baroque and traditional styles. I wonder
whether the organisers even know or care?

I love the siciliano from Heartease, Winter.

Any other Oswald fans out there?




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