Dear SDRE fans,
I had just moved up to New York in September of 1998 and being from the
country and on my own for the first time, I was more than a little scared. I
was scared sh#*less! Most of the time I would just sit in my room, afraid to
go out,to do anything, to basically live a normal
Hi, my name is Manel and I live in Barcelona. I did an interview with Chris
from The Gloria Record for my own fanzine, here´s what he said about that
goddamn word, "emocore". It´s revealing that a band like his´ doesn´t wanna
hear about that.
-Do you feel identified with the term "emocore"? Do ýo
maybe try a narrative. If you have multiple SDRE tatts, maybe have them
make up some kind of order, so that if you were to show them off to
somebody in order, then you automatically have some kind of
ritualistic performance going every time which would unify and enhance the
tattoos into a
greetings, my excellent friends.
well, i just wanted to remind all of you who haven't already to send me your
input on my latest poll. if any of ya missed it or need a reminder, the poll
is to list, in order, the top 5 songs you would like to see SDRE learn for
the next tour. (that's stating i
ive got many issues with that goddamn article. but ill only deal with one for
now because im tired. i dont know what the fuck he was trying to do, but it
sounded like he was trying to explain "emo" that may sound stupid (like the
whole cliche "you can't put it into words, man, you gotta listen,
what was the first one?
this could be asking for disaster, but you could get the logo (unless that
was your first one, in which case that is disaster. i promise you there is a
million kids walking around with Bush and Smashing Pumpkins tatoos that ask
themselves "what the fuck was i thinking"