Dear SDRE fans,

   I had just moved up to New York in September of 1998 and being from the 
country and on my own for the first time, I was more than a little scared. I 
was scared sh#*less! Most of the time I would just sit in my room, afraid to 
go out,to do anything, to basically live a normal existance. I would paint 
and go to school and that's it. One day, I happened to need more paint 
supplies and upon going to the store saw the banner at Irving Plaza 
read--SUNNY DAY REAL ESTATE. Forgetting any regard to my cityphobia, I 
rushed home to dial the phone, only to hear the worst two words a 
concert-goer could hear--SOLD OUT. After a few obscenities, I collected 
myself and began to plan. I would get into that concert!

    Being a student, I didn't have a lot of money to spend on anything but 
food. That week I didn't eat a whole lot, but I did save enough of  my food 
money for a ticket. A ticket I didn't even have. At first, I thought I would 
just get a scalped ticket, but to me, that feels like adultry against the 
band. My mind was just racing. How unfair it is that someone that probably 
is just going for the heck of it can get in, and I can't! Dementia soon set 
in, and I told myself that I would sit in the bathroom if I had to just to 
hear the newly reformed SDRE. The night of the show came.

     When it comes to Sunny Day, I just lose it. I get wacky, I become "that 
guy" at concerts. All decked out in my T-shirt, with poster and pen in hand 
I stood outside fevering for the ticket. I hung close to the box office 
watching all these people buy scalped tickets, knowing that they won't get 
in. One by one the scalpers all go away and I'm alone without a ticket in a 
sea of happy ticketholders. I could have just ripped that piece of paper out 
of someone's hand and took off, but as I reached  my most desperate moment, 
A guy announced the box office was open for tickets. I was like one of 
twenty to get a ticket!WOW!I got a ticket! I go in and look for a place to 
sit, only to realize, there are none. Being a wee little man, I climbed on 
this thing on the side wall and waited. I felt like Zaccehus in the tree 
just waiting to see the saviour walk down the road. Opening band came out 
and played. I was going crazy in anticipation. Just when I thought I 
couldn't take it any longer the familiar, distinct ring of "In Circles" 
began and that was it. All the trials had been worth it. I saw my heroes and 
knew they were real. I stayed after the show and talked with the lady 
selling merchandise who turned out to be Mrs.Hoerner! Then I saw WIlliam 
Goldsmith and froze. I had just enough voice to say as I held up my poster. He did. I went out and 
noticed the beauty New York holds for the first time(even at 3AM!)and have 
not been frightened since.

   A month later, I saw them again at the Sub-pop showcase and again was in 
awe of their presence and got my picture taken with Dan. I feel real wierd 
sending this out into this forum because I not really Internet guy and I 
hope I didn't break any length laws( I'm sure a lot of people are annoyed 
with me)I just joined this group yesterday and already I've recieved some 
pretty interesting mail. Thanks. As with computers and such, I'm not sure 
what I getting myself into,but I glad to know that a community like this 
exists. A place in the universe in celebration of one of the most important 
things in my life, Sunny Day Real Estate. I sorry if this has sounded sappy, 
but SDRE has helped me survive some of my most difficult times and I am ever 
indebted to them. If my one voice can pierce this void, I would just like to 
say thanks to Sunny Day Real Estate for giving me more than words can 

Matt Dove

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