Alright I was reading the usual 15 SDRE emails and I noticed someone said
Braid was defunct. Please tell me it isn't true, I love Braid. They are
really good. If anyone can email me and tell me more about this I would
really appreciate it. Also I caught The Get Up Kids in St. Pete Fl and I
agree about the crowd. They were rude, moshing broke out a bunch, and I was
next to this really sweaty fat guy that kept rubbing all over me, needless
to say I showered when I got home, but regardless The Get Up Kids have an
awesome live show. I loved it, even got some pictures, none came out to
well, but if someone wants one of the pics then email me and I'll send you
the OK ones. Damn, I think I just wrote an entire letter to the SDRE
mailing list and didn't mention them once, oh well, Sunny Day kicks ass, I
thought I had lost my diary album and I trashed my room trying to find it,
but I found it so its all good. Everyone enjoy life, its not long enough to
                  Matt Caron

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