
        Some of you might be familiar with my webpage, www.nexusx.com,
some of you may not.  I'm wlling to bet most of you are not.  Anyway, if
you go there and browse to my multi-media collection, you'll see that I've
added the entire videos of 'Seven' and 'In Circles'.  However, the only
problem is that they're in Vivo streaming video format.  These files
were originally intended to be viewed on high speed connections.  To get a
Vivo plug-in, go to www.vivo.com The other problem is that I don't think
they'll stream even if you get the plug-in, I'm not able to test it
because I have the costly VivoActive PowerPlayer that lets you download
the files and play them off your harddrive at you leisure.  Because I want
everybody to be able to see these videos, I'm going to try to secretly
post the Vivo Powerplayer install file somewhere on my site (shh...its a
secret just for the sdre-l). 
        You can purchase the Vivi Powerplayer for 20$ from www.vivo.com

        ,John DeSpirito

        PS - I do not work for Vivo.


***********************************************  Although you hit me hard
*Do or do not...there is no try -Master Yoda  *       I come back - Jeremy
*                                             *         ,            Enigk
*It's not death if you refuse it -James O'Barr*       o/
*                                             *      <\___,
*Peaches can be bought...but where can you    *      ' >
*       buy an orchard in full bloom?         *       '
*                       -Akira Kurosawa       *  ...treat others as you
*                        Director             *       wish to be treated 
*                                             *              - God
*                                             *
*You can't spend your time alone redigesting  *    John DeSpirito 
*       past regrets  -Eddie Vedder           *      webpage:
*                                             *  www.sju.edu/~despirit

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