well...i don't have much time to comment on the lawrence show
but it was definitely a fine, fine show...i've seen them there three times
and this was the best performance i have caught yet...the level of intensity
was huge...you could literally feel the energy in the room.

as far as the bass player, keyboard/third guitar guys go...they're solid (i
was a bit annoyed with the keyboardist's singing...but only at certain
times...other times he was right on and it made a great additional layer).
the bass player was super solid and every part seemed a sort of second
nature to the guy...

some interesting comments...
they played "every shining time you arrive"...didn't expect to hear that
added this amazing riff/jam to the end of the rising tide (which has been
mentioned on the list before)
jeremy and dan were switching guitars like mad...i'd say once every other
jeremy added this rad rad rad vocal part to the end of "tearing in my
heart"...as well as the bridge in snibe

oh, and i made some sunny day converts out of friends that attended the show
with me that were absolutely mesmerized...how could you not be when tons of
kids are standing there screaming right back at jeremy..."we stand in the
marketplace"...it was huge, the show was huge, everything was huge.

good show
great show

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