RE: Listing processes and killing processes through command line in W indows

2003-01-29 Thread Brad Merluzzi
MOHESOWA pskill from -- it is in their PSTools package - Best of all it's free. I use it all the time -- it's great --Brad __ You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself

RE: Killing systems proc's

2002-05-01 Thread Brad Merluzzi
Richard, Go here: They have a version of it for free --Brad __ Forget it, I am not going to spend a whole day in the museum ... unless they have foozball.-- Homer Simpson -Original Message-

RE: certification advice

2002-02-21 Thread Brad Merluzzi
Check out East Stroudsburg University -- I've read in the local papers that they were offering a 4 year degree in this. It just started, and haven't heard anything about it. You can learn more here: --Brad __ A