pcAnywhere (10.0) supports encryption.

Or, you can look into SSH which supports port forwarding.     SSH creates 
the encrypted tunnel for any port(s) for any port you want.  See ssh.com 
for the commercial version on all platforms.  Free versions are available 
as well, but check stability of the version you pick.

Marc G.

At 02:17 PM 11/19/01, Matt LYNCH wrote:
>I have been given the task of administering a web server contained within a
>DMZ. I am OK with the admin side of things but would prefer for time reasons
>to be able to remotely administer this machine. I have always used
>PCAnywhere, VNC and the MMC. But I now cannot use these due to the security
>risk. Does anyone else remote admin inside a DMZ and if so how??
>All machine are NT 4.0, I use a W2K desktop. (Free would be nice, but I am
>also interested if there are commercial solutions available).
>Thanks in advance

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