Hi Kelly,
dear all,

Sorry for my poor english, but anyway I try say my opinion. :) I hope you will be 
understand "my" english.

I'm new in the list and also in Sec-related topics and I'm admin for more than one 
box. In my competence are PC's with OS's Win 9x, ... XP, Linux, *nix which working as 
workstatons or servers.
Probably you are understood, that I can't be every time up to date. Administration is 
not my full-time job.
I have very nice colleagues and they help me search the informations about new 
patches, tools etc.

To reduce the e-Mail correspondence and make this informations accessible for all I 
written a Perl-Tool, which with using a ROOT-Library(http://root.cern.ch/) create from 
.txt files a .html file. This is my art of FAQ.

The advantage of using ROOT is, that:
1) We using them for analyse our data
2) it's free
3) the format of the text file (tabs, spaces ..etc) are maintained
4) In the text can be inserted additional html tags like <b></b>

If you are interesting can I send this tool to you.

You can use it for good or bad example :)

Martin Greschner
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