You can remove administrative shares on a workstation by setting this key:

HKLM\System\ CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\AutoShareWks (REG_DWORD) 0

This information comes from If you install their security benchmarking tool, a .pdf file is included with all of the registry key settings needed to secure a workstation. I imagine you can get this .pdf is somewhere on the site but I haven't looked for it. The benchmarking tool also includes security admin templates for workstations and group policies. Use the tool. If you haven't taken any steps to secure your computers you'll be shocked at the results.

Jimi Thompson wrote:


I believe there might be a way in the registry to remove the
administrative shares altogether, but whether there is or isn't you need
to make sure you have strong passwords for the administrator account and
you should assign a strong password to the Guest account even if you
keep the account disabled.


I strongly suggest renaming the local Administrator and Guest account to something that is not easily guessed at. In addition, you should probably create "dummy" accounts named "Administrator" and "Guest" that have no rights/no group memberships and are disabled. Monitor the dummy accounts closely for log in attempts.

If you machines are going to be exposed to the Internet, you will have to hack the registry to remove the all the default shares. Technet has several fine articles on this.


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