The tool is working out fine as far as I can say. Tested it in different 
environments (W2K, W2K SP3, XP, XP SP1).
Sometimes it might be helpful to kill the msblast.exe process (XP) and 
rebooting the system after removing the windows auto update = msblast.exe

Removing the worm manually (registry, files) works out as well. 

Please notice, that MS's hotfix requires at least SP2 for W2K.

On Wednesday 13 August 2003 22:24, Andreas Rothlauf wrote:
> Hi,
> JG>  Has anyone successfully purged the MSBlaster worm. There is a tool out
> JG> there that can do it but is it reliable?
> Symantec has made a tool available:
> A friend told me that it works.
> greetZ //AndY
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

straightLiners IT Consulting & Services
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