Well since budget is an issue you can do a search on MS technet for iis
security.  There are several programs there that will help you lock down
a server.  You should of course set it to log EVERYTHING related to the
services you have going.  And when you get a chance try and hit the
budget up for some sort of third party firewall product.
The e-mail server I haven't got a clue and will gladly say as much.
Something you might be able to do instead of pcanywere is use terminal
services web client (free)it will not give you the "live" view of the
desktop but it will allow you to access the server and do stuff

These are just my idea sand I am sure other people will have other ideas
so do with them what you will.


Sean W. Bravener

-----Original Message-----
From: TGW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (spam)] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:40 PM
Subject: Help with Win2000 Server.

Hello all.
I am a Programmer/Administrator, and I need help with 1 server of mine.
ideas, not money. :-)
Well, this guy i work for, has a win2k server at an ISP servers farm,
connected to the internet, with an ext IP. (192.XXX.XXX.XXX). Since he
cheap, he won't authorize me buy (almost) any software.
Of course the win2k server is licensed, but he won't pay for anything
so we are in the freeware market - I won't go pirate.

My questions:
This server should be a web (IIS based) server, Mail server, and
FTP server. I know it's quite a lot, even for a Dual PIII700, but that's
1) I reckon I need a software firewall. any ideas?
2) as a mail server I am using Mercury/32 from Pegasus. cons?
3) I need a remote control program. pcanyware10.5? ( I know it'll cost
but i think i can make him buy this one too)
4) is there any more security software I should use?

Please don't answer with " You need a DMZ with 3 servers, a honeypot , a
I know all that. I've been a Linux Admin for about a year, and built it
It's the windows security I feel puzzled about.

So, please, contribute all your 2cents. :-)


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