I agree with this method and use a variation of it myself.  I also have my passwords 
in "4TNox" on my Palm Pilot.

I would add that you should be careful of any temporary and/or backup files left by 
your editor.  I use vim on Win98, Win2K and Linux.  After editing my passwords text 
file, I delete the backup file vim had created.  I believe you can also specify a 
command line option to NOT create a backup and/or temp file.


> I would recommend keeping it quite simple.  Something along the lines of a
> text file (or spreadsheet if you would like to make things complicated) and
> PGP.  Since this store is only going to be for personal use, there does not
> seem to be a lot of need for a more complicated system.  And since PGP runs
> under both windows and linux, employs a wide variety of algorithms, and a
> good text editor will handle Windows or Unix style text files (edit+ for
> example) it meets your other requirements.  This will allow you to only have
> to worry about remembering your PGP passpharse and no other passwords.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:29 AM
> Subject: Password Management
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good software application
> (free/open source)that will enable me to store and organize my passwords.
> >
> > I am looking for something that will work in Linux/BSD (console based, not
> for gnome/kde) AND Windows, so that I could share the encrypted data file
> whether I am working on *nix or Windows environment. Something that provides
> a selection of encryption algorithms will be good.
> >
> > I am at loss on how to manage my web,e-mail,ras,ssh,etc.. accounts.
> >
> > Freshmeat/Sourceforge search produces nothing worthy.
> >
> > rfc
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hush provide the worlds most secure, easy to use online applications -
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> > HushMail Secure Email http://www.hushmail.com/
> > HushDrive Secure Online Storage http://www.hushmail.com/hushdrive/
> > Hush Business - security for your Business http://www.hush.com/
> > Hush Enterprise - Secure Solutions for your Enterprise
> http://www.hush.com/
> >
> > Version: Hush 2.1
> > Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com
> >
> > wlgEARECABgFAjxx4nARHHJmY0BodXNobWFpbC5jb20ACgkQdLxJMfab4bt6AQCeLP3r
> > 1njjqzhJTtOr/x2GgJqWlWEAnRJ4Co+ByOp2JM9NgubzmV1fkGSo
> > =Le+W
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >

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