> -----Original Message-----
> From: Aleksander Sinigoj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:37 PM
> Subject: information security university degree

> Hi,

> After conducting a thorough research with Google etc. I would like to ask
> you for some help.

> In Slovenia we are introducing some postgraduate programes in information
> security from both technical and managerial perspective.

> We are looking for any similar programes in Europe/US or other parts of the
> World that are being taught at the university level.

> I would be most grateful for any links of university departments, your
> personal
> experiences or ideas. At the moment we found only few courses specialised
> in Information Security.

> Many thanks for your help in advance,

> Aleksander

In Germany, there exists a course of studies called "Sicherheit in der
Imformationstechnik", which translates to "Security in Information
Technology". You can take a look at the program at

I am in the 3rd semester there, and it has a quite interesting concept.
It is only available at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.



Malte von dem Hagen


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