I believe that my SonicWALL XPRS2 (all firewalls?) is
identifying attacks simply by the port being accessed.
  I was trying to troubleshoot an irritating little 
problem with Exchange Server and ended up doing some
port scans on my servers, then checking the alerts
being sent by the SonicWALL. When the scan tool probed a 
port that is commonly used by a given attack (i.e., 
NetBus commonly uses ports 12345, and 12346), I would
check my email remotely and sure enough the XPRS2
had sent an alert saying it had dropped a NetBus
attack. I ran three different scans (with different
scan tools) with the same results.
  The problem I have with this is that I know for a fact
that many tools allow the attacker to change the default 
port. If all the SonicWALL is using as identification is 
the port, how will it identify an attack coming in on a 
non-default port? Is this the method used by most firewalls?
  I guess I had not thought much about it, but had I, 
I would have assumed that there was a more sophisticated 
method being used; although I do realize that there is 
probably no way to know just what program is probing a
given port.

Jim Grossl
Lee Pesky Learning Center
Boise, Idaho USA 

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