thanks for review Valerie. I think the current JDK 9 builds already check for some module correctness. Hopefully - what I'm proposing will work post modules. My initial attempt had the java.base module trying to pull in the module. That would not be allowed. The current proposal doesn't seem to place any issue on modules and the current export rules work ok.


On 05/06/2015 22:04, Valerie Peng wrote:

This looks pretty good.
However, I suspect this will stop working once the Jake changes are integrated as module boundaries are enforced?

On 6/5/2015 3:21 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
Looking to resolve a recently reported issue where the P11ECKeyFactory class has too much dependence on the SunEC provider. With some reshuffling and creation of a new P11ECUtil class, I was able to remove the call for lookup of SunEC Provider. The test picks up the regression when running with the SunPKCS11-NSS provider.

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