[Keeping discussion on the list]

On 26/04/11 17:19, Anastasios Milios wrote:
> Dear Markus,
> I have created a new account at translatewiki and i am awaiting for
> translator rights to be given to me.
> I have tried your method with the MediaWiki:message_name as
> index.php?title=MediaWiki:Formstart
> I switch to Greek Language and It gives me the title of the English
> version...
> I translate it to Greek...
> Now when i visit the English version of the Formstart the title is in
> Greek.
> The Greek page version still has the old title.

Some messages are always shown in the language of the wiki (for example 
if they belong to pages that everybody sees), others are shown in the 
language of the current user (mainly special pages that are not stored 
in the database but rebuild for each user individually). You may need to 
switch your wiki's main language to Greek to see all changes.

- Markus

> Στις 24/4/2011 1:27 μμ, ο/η Markus Krötzsch έγραψε:
>> On 24/04/11 06:56, Anastasios Milios wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am modifying the the Semantic forms and i would like to add some text
>>> in Greek Language.
>>> Lokking at the SF_Messages.php in the language folder the Greek
>>> Charcters are dsplayed like:
>>> 'semanticforms-desc' => 'Φόρμες για την προσθήκη
>>> και επεξεργασία σημασιολογικών
>>> δεδομένων',
>>> When i add a new message for example:
>>> 'sf_formstart_noform_docu' => 'Ελληνικα',
>>> My front end shows ��������....
>>> How can i add Greek messages correctly?
>> There are many different ways to encode non-Latin characters in files.
>> MediaWiki and all its extensions use UTF-8 as their only encoding.
>> When editing files with non-Latin symbols, you must make sure that
>> your editor uses this encoding, or it will mess up the file contents
>> (even if you do not change the non-Latin symbols at all). See the
>> documentation for your editor for details on how to select the right
>> character encoding.
>> If the default message texts are already showing wrongly on your
>> installation, something might have gone wrong when installing SF
>> (maybe the files got corrupted by editing them earlier with the tool
>> you use?), or the messages are really wrong at translatewiki.net
>> (unlikely, but you can go to that site to check).
>> The best way to customize MediaWiki messages for a wiki is to edit the
>> page MediaWiki:message_name, e.g. MediaWiki:sf_formstart_noform_docu,
>> on your wiki.
>> Regards,
>> Markus

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