
I'm trying to change my php code to work with SMW 1.6. (MW 1.16.0, SMW 1.6
alpha r89160)
I updated the DB and data with the SMWAdmin functions. #ask queries seem
to work ok.

I use the calls

$property = SMWPropertyValue::makeUserProperty($propname);
$ptype = $property->getPropertyTypeID();
where $propname is the name of a property. 

This seems to be valid in SMW 1.6 as it is used e.g. in file
$property = SMWPropertyValue::makeUserProperty( $propertystring );
$type = $property->getPropertyTypeID();

As far as I can see I run into problems when
function getPropertyTypeID() calls 
function getTypesValue() which calls 
smwfGetStore()->getPropertyValues( $this->getWikiPageValue(), new
SMWDIProperty( '_TYPE' ) );

$this->getWikiPageValue() returns a 'SMWWikiPageValue Object' which in
getPropertyValues( $subject, SMWDIProperty $property, $requestoptions =
null ) is than passed as '$subject' argument to
$this->getSemanticData( $subject, array( $property->findPropertyTypeID() )

Calling getSemanticData with an 'SMWWikiPageValue Object' as $subject
causes an empty page because it seems it expects
a 'SMWDIWikiPage Object' instead in SMW 1.6?

getWikiPageValue(), however, seems to return for type _wpg always a
SMWWikiPageValue Object and doesn't know about SMWDIWikiPage Object???

As I only submit a property name in my code and the rest are SMW 1.6
internal functions, I don't know what I can do to avoid this problem. 
Anything on the wiki level?


On Thu, 26 May 2011 07:40:32 +0100, Markus Krötzsch
<mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:
> On 25/05/11 11:20, zehetner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> regarding
>>> * Type:Record declarations change:
>>> Properties of Type:Record no longer take a list of types, but a list
>>> properties as their declaration (has fields). This ensures that
>>> can use all information that is given on Property pages, not just the
>>> type declarations.
>> would there be a foreseeable problem to generate properties with the
>> of the existing field types e.g Property:string, Property:page,
>> Property:number etc. to keep records functioning in the new SMW
>> Otherwise having a rather large number of record properties it would
>> a lot of typing to change those names in the 'has fields' declarations.
> I think this is a good idea. Would it be useful to have one builtin 
> property for each registered datatype? This would not be hard to do but 
> it would override any existing property declarations for these labels.
> Generating property pages would be a more complex process that would 
> need to be triggered explicitly (you cannot do this in the background on

> every request).
> Regards,
> Markus
>> On Sun, 22 May 2011 16:10:37 +0100, Markus Krötzsch
>> <mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org>  wrote:
>>> Dear SMW users and developers,
>>> work on SMW 1.6 has made tremendous progress in the past few weeks,
>>> the code is stabilizing now. We still have quite some bugs to fix
>>> of us, but the main changes in architecture and user features are
>>> completed.
>>> If they have not done it yet, extension developers should now adapt
>>> their code to work with the modified APIs. Audacious users are invited
>>> to beta test. Installation instructions are online [1] and the SMW
>>> Sandbox is updated to the most recent version [2].
>>> == Main changes for users ==
>>> * Significantly extended database backend support:
>>> SMW now works with PostgreSQL and with any RDF store that supports
>>> SPARQL and SPARQL Update. I had sent details about the latter to this
>>> list earlier -- testers for Virtuoso and other stores would still be
>>> most welcome! Support for using the PHP-based interface of the RAP RDF
>>> store is discontinued. The new SPARQL functions change also prepare
>>> for loading RDF data from other Web sources (not implemented yet).
>>> * Parameter validation for user inputs:
>>> The #ask function will now generate more helpful error messages if
>>> input is not suitable, e.g. if "limit" is set to "bogus" instead of a
>>> number. Query printers may also use this capability for their own
>>> parameters, so that even extensions can provide this validation. For
>>> doing this, SMW requires the Validator extension to be installed.
>>> * No more "Type" namespace:
>>> As discussed on these lists, the Type namespace has been removed. 
>>> is a configuration setting that allows users to keep the Type
>>> enabled (so that any pages there can still be accessed). The features
>>> Type articles are now provided by Special:Types.
>>> * New Delimited-Separated Values format:
>>> This is like CSV but with a sane and easy-to-parse escaping of special
>>> characters.
>>> * Unit of measurement declarations change:
>>> With the vanishing of Type pages, users who have used custom types
>>> unit conversion) must move the text from the Type page to the Property
>>> page that uses these custom types. Instead of the custom type page,
>>> type" is now set to "Quantity" for properties that have custom unit
>>> conversions.
>>> * Type:Record declarations change:
>>> Properties of Type:Record no longer take a list of types, but a list
>>> properties as their declaration (has fields). This ensures that
>>> can use all information that is given on Property pages, not just the
>>> type declarations.
>>> * Compatibility with MediaWiki 1.18.
>>> * Bugfixes.
>>> == Main changes for developers ==
>>> There have been substantial changes to the data model: almost all uses
>>> of SMWDataValue have been replaced by more lightweight SMWDataItem
>>> objects. Code has been cleaned up in the process and should be much
>>> clearer to understand in many places (also beyond the data item
>>> changes). See my earlier email to the developer list for details.
>>> ask on the developer list if you should encounter any problems
>>> your code to work with SMW 1.6.
>>> SMW 1.6 is an important major release for us, and a unique opportunity
>>> to do some changes that are not fully compatible with earlier versions
>>> (but that really improve the overall functionality and code quality).
>>> you have comments or bug reports, it is a very good time to make them
>>> known. Some things will be much harder to change later on. We intend
>>> stabilize SMW within the next 14 days, so that a first release of SMW
>>> 1.6 could happen in early June.
>>> Thanks to all who have already contributed to this major effort, and
>>> all who are currently working hard on upgrading their code to SMW 1.6.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Markus
>>> [1] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation_1.6.0
>>> [2] http://sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org/
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