
does anybody have experience with the iCalander export format [1] and MS 

I have two questions:

1. Is there a way to get Outlook (2010) to open the import assistant every time 
a ical-file is double-clicked? This is not direclty related to SRF, but if you 
have to download the file, open outlook, go to "file - open - import" and run 
through a dialogue [2], you are faster editing the entry manually (if it's only 
one appointment). The reason why I need the import dialogue is that I need to 
be able to choose the calendar it should be imported. Otherwise outlook will 
make a whole new calendar every time I import an event. 
Or can the iCal export file be modified so that oulook wil automatically put it 
in the same calendar when double clicked?

2. Is there a way to get Outlook (2010) subscribe to an calender provided by 
the iCalendar format of SRF. So there is no import needed, but outlook queries 
the SMW each time? 
This has to be possible in a closed wiki, so outlook would have to authenticate 
against the wiki. I know this has been discussed an is an unresolved issue. Are 
there programmers around who are willing to implement a solution to this?


[1] http://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:ICalendar_format
[2] http://help.unc.edu/CCM3_022163

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