jQuery maintains presence on a vast majority of sites (of which 84% is
jQuery 1, according to your stats site) largely because it's bundled with
many frameworks and projects, including Wordpress, Microsoft's web
libraries, Bootstrap, and so on, where it's used behind the scenes. But the
weight of existing sites certainly is a factor. It was primarily designed
to address cross-browser Javascript deficiencies and incompatibilities. In
the era of evergreen browsers, polyfills and the vastly improved es6, it's
not nearly as necessary, even if no other library or framework is used

This is not to say jQuery isn't an excellent DOM focused library, but the
"coolness" of newer libraries, which assume recent browser features, are
often component focused, are designed to support in-page interactions
including routing, translate to server-side development, and support richer
development environments (though, there's nothing stopping one from using
jQuery with one of these libraries, React in particular is very friendly to
a component-at-a-time approach within a larger app) could make it more
conducive for new devs to also develop SMW, which was the point of my post.
I'm sorry if that was lost, otherwise I was commenting on what it's like
for someone who mainly supports in-browser SMW use who contemplates working
with the 'lower level' platform.

Supporting Javascript on the server side would support this approach. In an
isolated way with just an essential api which could be used on the server
by any Javascript library or framework (including jQuery), it could be a
way to provide a lower bar/alternate to entry for SMW development. I'd be
happy to take that on as a project, if I had enough guidance in connecting
to php/MediaWiki hooks/formulating the essential API, due to the issues
that are the topic of this thread.


On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 20:08, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 12:13 PM david mason <
> vid_semediawiki-de...@zooid.org> wrote:
>> However, as Markus
>> identifies, even though I'm a full-stack developer, I really haven't been
>> drawn into PHP, and my perception of it as someone who only works with it
>> a
>> few times a year is it's a heaving mass of legacy and very current
>> approaches, from the required PHP version itself, language features used,
>> the Mediawiki hooks, composer (nothing but trouble when I've used it), all
>> the extensions, and the approach to Javascript (jQuery? in 2018?), as well
>> as the developer culture of MW/SMW with approaches often very different
>> than other developer worlds.
> Reading through this, I'm not sure I understand most of it, though I do
> agree with the complaint about Composer. But I thought it was interesting
> to hear that jQuery is now considered somewhat passe. I admit it doesn't
> have the coolness factor of React/Vue/etc., but it's still extremely
> popular - it's currently used on a staggering 97% of all sites that use any
> JS library:
> https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/javascript_library
> I don't remember how much SMW uses jQuery, but Page Forms uses it
> extensively - as well as using a bunch of other libraries (like Select2)
> that in turn require jQuery, and in some cases jQuery UI.
> Interestingly, JS-wise, core MediaWiki is transitioning away from jQuery
> and jQuery UI and toward its own semi-equivalent libraries, OOJS and OOUI,
> which got their start as part of VisualEditor. That's a whole other story,
> and I don't think it has anything to do with the coolness of any of these
> libraries. :) Still, I can't imagine Page Forms switching to those
> libraries, or really anything other than jQuery, any time soon.
> -Yaron
> --
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