Dear all,

for the first time this year, we will apply for hosting our own 
"semantic" Google Summer of Code (GSoC)  projects. In past years, our 
projects were done through the Wikimedia Foundation, leading to such 
successful projects as Semantic Maps and RDFIO.

We will soon (Mar 11) submit our application to Google, and we need your 
support to make it maximally successful. We need:

* Mentors
* Project ideas
* (Students, but we will call for them again in due course)

We have prepared a wiki page at [1]. We are in good shape but could 
still use some more input.

The task of the mentor is to guide and support GSoC students in 
executing a project. A rewarding experience: you get the chance of 
guiding bright and motivated students at realizing a project you care 
about, plus the chance to get an invitation to Google and (presumably) a 
free T-shirt. A good mentor understands the relevant technology, but his 
or her main task is to guide the student to arrive at the best possible 
project result.

Feel free to add your name in the list of mentors on [1] if you would 
generally be interested in mentoring projects around SMW. If you have a 
worked-out project idea, feel free to add it as well. Ideal projects 
have clear and useful goals, high chances of success, and support from 
available mentors. If you would like to propose an idea that is not 
quite at this stage yet, feel free to discuss it here. We can collect 
projects beyond our application on Mar 11, and students can also make 
their own proposals.

GSoC is very competitive but also highly prestigious. Let's make sure 
that SMW and its extensions will make the most out of it!




What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
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