
I am about to test SMW 1.4.3 with my enhanced version of SMW_DV_Time.php.

The first step is to "port" my enhancements to the language files into SMW 1.4.3. That I have now done. The attached patch file contains all my modifications to those language files.

Why did you discontinue Korean language support? I admit that it came from Google's Language Tools, but surely that would be better than no support at all. In any event, if you apply this patch to the languages subdirectory of SMW, this will re-create the Korean-language file, and /also/ provide translations for the new special properties "Modification Date" and "Has Improper Value For."

All other language files (except the Slovakian and Hebrew, which I wasn't equipped to translate) have the required enhancements to support the new version of SMW_DV_Time.php, with its internationalization of twelve-hour symbols and calendar symbols. In addition, every one of these files except the English file (which doesn't need any translation) and the German file has the translations of the special-property names and, in most cases, translations of the namespace names "Concept" and "Concept talk." (Thank you, Markus, for taking care of these things already in the German file. Yours is the only language file other than English that contained all those necessary new translations.)

I initially included a file called SMW_LanguageZh.php that I used in my own wiki, since I did not create a version with the specific long prefix Zh_cn or Zh_tw. Then I decided that any wiki developer ought to be able to handle that himself. So the patch does not create any new Chinese-language files, but simply enhances the existing ones.

An aggregate patch of SMW_DV_Time.php will follow, as soon as I have verified that my current version is consistent with the DBkeys system.

diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php	2009-08-04 05:35:45.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageDe.php	2009-08-19 20:12:32.000000000 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
  * "printout statement" --> Ausgabeanweisung
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -121,6 +122,22 @@
 protected $m_months = array("Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember");
-protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mrz", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Aviv", "Siw", "Sivan", "Tammus", "Aw", "Elul", "Etanim","Bul","Kislew","Tevet","Schevat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Avi", "Siw", "Siv", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", "Eta","Bul","Kis","Tev","Sch","Ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Ijjar", "Siwan", "Tammus", "Aw", "Elul", "Tischri", "Cheschwan", "Kislew", "Tevet", "Schevat", "Adar", "WeAdar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Ijj", "Siw", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", "Tis", "Che", "Kis", "Tev", "Sch", "Ada", "Wea"); 
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "AC", "BCE" => "vdZ", "CE" => "vuZ",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[CDM]|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS|v[du]Z)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php	2009-08-04 05:30:20.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageEn.php	2009-08-19 20:14:24.000000000 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
  * English language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -80,6 +81,22 @@
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Zif", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", "Ethanim","Bul","Kislev","Teveth","Shevat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Zif", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", "Eth","Bul","Kis","Tev","She","Ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", "Tishrei", "Cheshvan", "Kislev", "Teveth", "Shevat", "Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", "Tis", "Che", "Kis", "Tev", "She", "Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "BC", "BCE" => "BCE", "CE" => "CE",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[DM]|BC(E)?|CE|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php	2009-08-04 05:33:38.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageEs.php	2009-08-19 21:26:14.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * Spanish language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Javier Calzada Prado, Carmen Jorge García-Reyes, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Jesús Espino García
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -59,14 +60,14 @@
 	//always start upper-case
 	'_TYPE' => 'Tiene tipo de datos',
 	'_URI'  => 'URI equivalente',
-	'_SUBP' => 'Subproperty of', // TODO: translate
-	'_UNIT' => 'Unidad de medida', // TODO: should be plural now ("units"), singluar stays alias
+	'_SUBP' => 'Subpropiedad de', 
+	'_UNIT' => 'Unidads de medida', 
 	'_IMPO' => 'Importado de',
 	'_CONV' => 'Corresponde a',
 	'_SERV' => 'Provee servicio',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Permite el valor',
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Fecha de la modificación',  
+	'_ERRP' => 'Tiene valor incorrecto para' 
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -91,8 +92,8 @@
 	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => "Discusión_atributo",
 	SMW_NS_TYPE           => "Tipos_de_datos",
 	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => "Discusión_tipos_de_datos",
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', // TODO: translate
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk' // TODO: translate
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concepto',
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Discusión_concepto'
 protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
@@ -107,12 +108,28 @@
 	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
-protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
 protected $m_months = array("enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre");
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("abib", "ziv", "sivan", "tamuz", "av", "elul", "etanim","bul","kislev","tevet","shevat","adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("abi", "ziv", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", "eta","bul","kis","tev","she","ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("nisán", "iyar", "siván", "tamuz", "av", "elul", "tishrei", "jeshván", "kislev", "tevet", "shevat", "adar", "veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("nis", "iya", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", "tis","jes","kis","tev","she","ada", "vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" => "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A(EC|M)|[Ead]C|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php	2009-08-04 05:33:41.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageFr.php	2009-08-19 21:31:19.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * French language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Pierre Matringe
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -65,8 +66,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => 'Correspond à',
 	'_SERV' => 'Fournit le service',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Valeur possible',
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Date de modification',
+	'_ERRP' => 'A une valeur impropre pour'
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -91,8 +92,8 @@
 	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => "Discussion_attribut",
 	SMW_NS_TYPE           => "Type",
 	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => "Discussion_type",
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', // TODO: translate
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk' // TODO: translate
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', 
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Discussion_concept' 
 protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
@@ -107,12 +108,29 @@
 	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
-protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
 protected $m_months = array("janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre");
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", "jul", "aoû", "sep", "oct", "nov", "déc");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Aviv", "Zif", "Sivan", "Tammouz", "Av", "Elloul", "Ethanim","Boul","Kislev","Tébeth","Schébat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Avi", "Zif", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Ell", "Eth","Bou","Kis","Téb","Sch","Ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammouz", "Av", "Elloul", "Tisseri", "Heshvan", "Kislev", "Tébeth", "Schébat", "Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Ell", "Tis","Hes","Kis","Téb","Sch","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "ApJ-C", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "AvJ-C", "BCE" => "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "Hé", "JD" => "JJ", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "JJM", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/A((E|[pv]J-)C|M)|EC|Gr|Hé|J(J(M)?|l)|OS/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php	2009-08-04 05:35:25.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageIt.php	2009-08-19 21:38:06.000000000 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
  * @author Davide Eynard
  * @author David Laniado
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -45,6 +46,17 @@
 	'Intero'      => '_num',
 	'Enumeration' => '_str',
 	'Enumerazione'=> '_str'
+	// support English aliases:
+	'Page'                  => '_wpg',
+	'String'                => '_str',
+	'Text'                  => '_txt',
+	'Boolean'               => '_boo',
+	'Number'                => '_num',
+	'Geographic coordinate' => '_geo',
+	'Temperature'           => '_tem',
+	'Date'                  => '_dat',
+	'Email'                 => '_ema',
+	'Annotation URI'        => '_anu'
 protected $m_SpecialProperties = array(
@@ -57,8 +69,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => 'Corrisponde a ', // 'Corresponds to',
 	'_SERV' => 'Fornisce servizio', // 'Provides service',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Ammette valore', //'Allows value'
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Data di modifica',  //'Modification date'
+	'_ERRP' => 'ha valore improprio per' // 'Has improper value for'
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -77,16 +89,49 @@
 protected $m_Namespaces = array( // TODO: translate (English aliases can be kept, see other language files
-	SMW_NS_RELATION       => 'Relation',
-	SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK  => 'Relation_talk',
-	SMW_NS_PROPERTY       => 'Property',
-	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => 'Property_talk',
-	SMW_NS_TYPE           => 'Type',
-	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => 'Type_talk',
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept',
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk'
+	SMW_NS_RELATION       => 'Relazione',
+	SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK  => 'Discussione_relazione',
+	SMW_NS_PROPERTY       => 'Proprietà',
+	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => 'Discussione_proprietà',
+	SMW_NS_TYPE           => 'Tipo',
+	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => 'Discussione_tipo',
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concetto',
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Discussione_concetto'
+protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
+	// support English aliases for namespaces
+	'Relation'      => SMW_NS_RELATION,
+	'Relation_talk' => SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK,
+	'Property'      => SMW_NS_PROPERTY,
+	'Property_talk' => SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK,
+	'Type'          => SMW_NS_TYPE,
+	'Type_talk'     => SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK,
+	'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
+	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_months = array("Gennaio", "Febbraio", "Marzo", "Aprile", "Maggio", "Giugno", "Luglio", "Agosto", "Settembre", "Ottobre", "Novembre", "Dicembre");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("Gen", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "Mag", "Giu", "Lug", "Ago", "Set", "Ott", "Nov", "Dic");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Ziv", "sivan", "tamuz", "av", "elul", "Ethanim","Bul","kislev","tevet","shevat","adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Ziv", "siv", "tam", "av", "elu", "Eth","Bul","kis","tev","she","ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", "Tishri", "Cheshvan", "Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", "Tis","Che","Kis","Tev","She","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" => "aev", "CE" => "ev",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "Eb", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Gl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|[ad]C|(a)?ev|Eb|G[lr]|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageKo.php	2009-08-19 21:41:45.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * @file
+ * @ingroup SMWLanguage
+ */
+ * Protect against register_globals vulnerabilities.
+ * This line must be present before any global variable is referenced.
+ */
+if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die();
+global $smwgIP;
+include_once($smwgIP . '/languages/SMW_Language.php');
+ * Korean language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
+ * Created by Terry A. Hurlbut using an automatic translation machine. Please use with caution,
+ * and send suggestions for improvement to The original English messages
+ * found in the file SMW_LanguageEn.php may be useful as a reference.
+ *
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
+ * @ingroup SMWLanguage
+ * @ingroup Language
+ */
+class SMWLanguageKo extends SMWLanguage {
+protected $m_DatatypeLabels = array(
+	'_wpg' => '인공', // name of page datatype
+	'_str' => '배열의 문자',  // name of the string type
+	'_txt' => '텍스트',  // name of the text type
+	'_cod' => 'Code',  // name of the (source) code type //TODO: translate
+	'_boo' => '부울',  // name of the boolean type
+	'_num' => '번호',  // name for the datatype of numbers
+	'_geo' => '지리적 좌표', // name of the geocoord type
+	'_tem' => '온도',  // name of the temperature type
+	'_dat' => '날짜',  // name of the datetime (calendar) type
+	'_ema' => '이메일',  // name of the email type
+	'_uri' => '하십시오',  // name of the URL type
+	'_anu' => '열린우리당 해설'  // name of the annotation URI type (OWL annotation property)
+protected $m_DatatypeAliases = array(
+	'열린우리당'        	=> '_uri',
+	'부동 소수점'       	=> '_num',
+	'정수'     				=> '_num',
+	'열거'		 			=> '_str',
+	// support English aliases:
+	'Page'                  => '_wpg',
+	'String'                => '_str',
+	'Text'                  => '_txt',
+	'Boolean'               => '_boo',
+	'Number'                => '_num',
+	'Geographic coordinate' => '_geo',
+	'Temperature'           => '_tem',
+	'Date'                  => '_dat',
+	'Email'                 => '_ema',
+	'URL'							=>	'_uri',
+	'URI'							=>	'_uri',
+	'Float'       				=> '_num',
+	'Integer'     				=> '_num',
+	'Enumeration' 				=> '_str',
+	'Annotation URI'        => '_anu'
+protected $m_SpecialProperties = array(
+	//always start upper-case
+	'_TYPE' => '이 유형',
+	'_URI'  => '이에 상응하는 열린우리당',
+	'_SUBP' => '서브-재산',
+	'_UNIT' => '디스플레이 유닛',
+	'_IMPO' => '수입',
+	'_CONV' => '에 해당합니다',
+	'_SERV' => '제공 서비스',
+	'_PVAL' => '허용 값',
+	'_MDAT' => '수정 날짜',  //'Modification date'
+	'_ERRP' => '이 부적 절한 가치' // 'Has improper value for'
+protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
+	'디스플레이 기기' => '_UNIT',
+	// support English aliases for special properties
+	'Has type'          => '_TYPE',
+	'Equivalent URI'    => '_URI',
+	'Subproperty of'    => '_SUBP',
+	'Display units'     => '_UNIT',
+	'Display unit'      => '_UNIT',
+	'Imported from'     => '_IMPO',
+	'Corresponds to'    => '_CONV',
+	'Provides service'  => '_SERV',
+	'Allows value'      => '_PVAL',
+	'Modification date' => '_MDAT',
+	'Has improper value for' => '_ERRP'
+protected $m_Namespaces = array(
+	SMW_NS_RELATION       => '관계',
+	SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK  => '관계토론',
+	SMW_NS_PROPERTY       => '부동산',
+	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => '부동산토론',
+	SMW_NS_TYPE           => '유형',
+	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => '유형토론',
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => '개념', 
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => '개념토론' 
+protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
+	// support English aliases for namespaces
+	'Relation'      => SMW_NS_RELATION,
+	'Relation_talk' => SMW_NS_RELATION_TALK,
+	'Property'      => SMW_NS_PROPERTY,
+	'Property_talk' => SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK,
+	'Type'          => SMW_NS_TYPE,
+	'Type_talk'     => SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK,
+	'Concept'       => SMW_NS_CONCEPT,
+	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_months = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월", "13 월");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1 월", "2 월", "3 월", "4 월", "5 월", "6 월", "7 월", "8 월", "9 월", "10 월", "11 월", "12 월", "13 월");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "오전", "pm" => "오후");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040오[전후]/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php	2009-08-04 05:34:38.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageNl.php	2009-08-19 21:44:53.000000000 -0400
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
  * Dutch language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Siebrand Mazeland
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
 	'_SERV' => 'Verleent dienst',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Geldige waarde',
 	'_MDAT' => 'Wijzigingsdatum',
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_ERRP' => 'Heeft onjuiste waarde voor' // TODO: translate
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -108,8 +109,28 @@
 	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
-protected $m_months = array('januari','februari','maart','april','mei','juni','juli','augustus','september','oktober','november','december');
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_months = array("januari", "februari", "maart", "april", "mei", "juni", "juli", "augustus", "september", "oktober", "november", "december");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("jan", "feb", "maa", "apr", "mei", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("abib", "ziv", "siewan", "tammoez", "aaw", "elloel", "etanim","bul","kisleew", "teweet", "sjewat", "adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("abi", "ziv", "sie", "tam", "aaw", "ell", "eta","bul","kis","tew","sje","ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("niesan", "ijar", "siewan", "tammoez", "aaw", "elloel", "tisjrie", "chesjwan", "kisleew", "teweet", "sjewat", "adar", "veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("nie", "ija", "sie", "tam", "aaw", "ell", "tis","che","kis","tew","sje","ada", "vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "nChr", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "vChr", "BCE" => "vdj", "CE" => "gj",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|[nv]Chr|(vd|g)j|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
-protected $m_monthsshort = array("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "mei", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "okt", "nov", "dec");
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_Language.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_Language.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_Language.php	2009-08-01 13:07:25.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_Language.php	2009-08-19 20:09:24.000000000 -0400
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
  * Base class for all SMW language classes.
  * @author Markus Krötzsch
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -26,16 +27,39 @@
 	protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array();
 	protected $m_Namespaces;
 	protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array();
-	/// Twelve strings naming the months. English is always supported in Type:Date, but
-	/// we still need the English defaults to ensure that labels are returned by getMonthLabel()
-	protected $m_months = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
+	/// Twelve strings naming the months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
+	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+	protected $m_months = array();
 	/// Twelve strings briefly naming the months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
 	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
 	protected $m_monthsshort = array();
+	/// Twelve strings naming the Biblical months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
+	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+	protected $m_monthsAM = array();
+	/// Twelve strings briefly naming the Biblical months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
+	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+	protected $m_monthsshortAM = array();
+	/// Thirteen strings naming the Hillel months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
+	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+	protected $m_monthsH = array();
+	/// Thirteen strings briefly naming the Hillel months. English is always supported in Type:Date, so
+	/// the default is simply empty (no labels in addition to English)
+	protected $m_monthsshortH = array();
 	/// Preferred interpretations for dates with 1, 2, and 3 components. There is an array for
 	/// each case, and the constants define the obvious order (e.g. SMW_YDM means "first Year,
 	/// then Day, then Month). Unlisted combinations will not be accepted at all.
 	protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+	/// Two strings used as annotations for the twelve-hour clock convention. Most languages do not
+	/// observe such a convention. American English is supported in Type:Date, so that by
+	/// default the symbol for "am" is "am" and for "pm", "pm".
+	protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+	/// A regex for searching for an am/pm annotation. Default is the English version.
+	protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+	/// Several strings naming the calendars and distinguishing AD/CE from BC/BCE.
+	protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "AD", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "BC", "BCE" => "BCE", "CE" => "CE",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+	/// A regex for searching for a calendar symbol. Default is the English version.
+	protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A[DM]|BC(E)?|CE|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
@@ -107,6 +131,46 @@
 		return false;
+	function findMonth($label) {
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_months);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsshort);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * As above, but for Biblical (AM) months
+	 */
+	function findMonthAM($label) {
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsAM);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsshortAM);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * As above, but for Hillel II (H) months.
+	 */
+	function findMonthH($label) {
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsH);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_monthsshortH);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id+1;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
 	 * Return the name of the month with the given number.
@@ -115,6 +179,71 @@
 	  return (($number>=1)&&($number<=12))?$this->m_months[(int)($number-1)]:'';
+	/**
+	 * Return the name of the Biblical (AM) month with the given number.
+	 */
+	function getMonthLabelAM($number) {
+	  return (($number>=1)&&($number<=12))?$this->m_monthsAM[(int)($number-1)]:'';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the name of the Hillel II (H) month with the given number.
+	 */
+	function getMonthLabelH($number) {
+	  return (($number>=1)&&($number<=13))?$this->m_monthsH[(int)($number-1)]:'';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Function translates a language-specific am/pm note into its English equivalent,
+	 * if necessary.
+	 */
+	function findAmPm($label) {
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_ampm);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the language-specific equivalent of an internally-used am/pm label.
+	 */
+	function getAmPmLabel ($symbol) {
+		return (($symbol=="am")||($symbol=="pm"))?$this->m_ampm[$symbol]:'';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the language-specific regex for searching for an am/pm label
+	 */
+	function getRgxAmPm() {
+		return $this->m_rgxampm;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Function translates a language-specific calendar symbol into its English equivalent.
+	 */
+	function findCalendar($label) {
+		$id = array_search($label, $this->m_calendar);
+		if ($id !== false) {
+			return $id;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the language-specific equivalent of an internally-used calendar symbol.
+	 */
+	function getCalendar ($symbol) {
+		return (($symbol=="AD")||($symbol=="BC")||($symbol=="CE")||($symbol=="BCE")||($symbol=="OS")
+			|| ($symbol == "Gr") || ($symbol == "Jl") || ($symbol == "AM")||($symbol == "He")
+			|| ($symbol == "JD") || ($symbol == "MJD")) ? $this->m_calendar[$symbol]:'';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the language-specific regex for searching for a calendar symbol.
+	 */
+	function getRgxCalendar() {
+		return $this->m_rgxcalendar;
+	}
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php	2009-08-04 05:34:44.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguagePl.php	2009-08-19 21:49:07.000000000 -0400
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
  *   on this site = w tym miejscu
  * @author Łukasz Bolikowski
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @version 0.3
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -88,8 +89,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => 'Odpowiada',
 	'_SERV' => 'Zapewnia usługę',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Dopuszcza wartość',
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Data modyfikacji',  
+	'_ERRP' => 'Ma niewłaściwe wartości tej' 
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -131,11 +132,29 @@
 	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
-protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
 protected $m_months = array("styczeń", "luty", "marsz", "kwiecień", "maj", "czerwiec", "lipiec", "sierpień", "wrzesień", "październik", "listopad", "grudzień");
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("sty", "lut", "mar", "kwi", "maj", "cze", "lip", "sie", "wrz", "paź", "lis", "gru");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Siw", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Aw", "Elul", "Etanim","Bul","Kislew","Tewet","Szewat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Siw", "Siv", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", "Eta","Bul","Kis","Tew","Sze","Ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nisan", "Ijar", "Siwan", "Tamuz", "Aw", "Elul", "Tiszri", "Cheszwan", "Kislew", "Tewet", "Szewat", "Adar", "Weadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Ija", "Siw", "Tam", "Aw", "Elu", "Tis","Che","Kis","Tew","Sze","Ada", "Wea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "ad", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "pc", "BCE" => "pne", "CE" => "ne",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(AM|ad|pc|(p)?ne|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php	2009-08-04 05:34:47.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguagePt.php	2009-08-19 21:52:42.000000000 -0400
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => 'Corresponde a',
 	'_SERV' => 'Fornece o serviço',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Permite valor',
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Data de alteração',  
+	'_ERRP' => 'Tem valor indevido para'
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -109,12 +109,29 @@
-protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
 protected $m_months = array("Janeiro", "Fevereiro", "Março", "Abril", "Maio", "Junho", "Julho", "Agosto", "Setembro", "Outubro", "Novembro", "Dezembro");
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("Jan", "Fev", "Mar", "Abr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Ago", "Set", "Out", "Nov", "Dez");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("Abib", "Zive", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", "Etanim","Bul","Kislev","Tevet","Shevat","Adar");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("Abi", "Ziv", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", "Eta","Bul","Kis","Tev","She","Ada");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tamuz", "Av", "Elul", "Tishrei","Cheshvan","Kislev","Tevet","Shevat","Adar", "Veadar");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("Nis", "Iya", "Siv", "Tam", "Av", "Elu", "Tis","Che","Kis","Tev","She","Ada", "Vea");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "am", "pm" => "pm");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[ap]m/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "dC", "AM" => "AM", "BC" => "aC", "BCE" => "AEC", "CE" => "EC",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "He", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Jl", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(A(EC|M)|[Ead]C|Gr|He|Jl|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php	2009-08-04 05:34:50.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageRu.php	2009-08-19 21:56:40.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
  * Russian language labels for important SMW labels (namespaces, datatypes,...).
  * @author Dmitry Khoroshev
+ * @author Terry A. Hurlbut
  * @ingroup SMWLanguage
  * @ingroup Language
@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => 'Относится к',
 	'_SERV' => 'Предоставляет сервис',
 	'_PVAL' => 'Допустимое значение',
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => 'Дата изменения',  
+	'_ERRP' => 'Имеет ненадлежащее значение для' 
 protected $m_SpecialPropertyAliases = array(
@@ -117,4 +118,20 @@
 protected $m_monthsshort = array("янв","фев","мар","апр", "мая","июн","июл","авг","сен", "окт","ноя","дек");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("авива", "зифа", "сиваня", "таммуза", "ава", "eлуля",	"eитанима","буля","хислева","тeвeта", "шевата","адаря");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("ави", "зиф", "сив", "там", "ава", "eлу", "eит","бул","хис","тeв", "шев","ада");
+protected $m_monthsH = array("нисаня", "ийаря", "сиваня", "таммуза", "ава", "eлуля", "тишрeия", "хeхваня", "кислева", "тeвeта", "шевата","адаря", "вeадаря");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("нис", "ийа", "сив", "там", "ава", "eлу", "тиш", "хeх", "кис", "тeв", "шев","ада", "вeа");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "пн", "pm" => "пд");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040п[нд]/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "РХ", "AM" => "АМ", "BC" => "ДХ", "BCE" => "пнэ", "CE" => "нэ",
+		"Gr" => "Gr", "He" => "Ив", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "Юл", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(АМ|[ДР]Х|(п)?нэ|Гр|Ив|Юл|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageSk.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageSk.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageSk.php	2009-08-04 05:34:54.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageSk.php	2009-08-19 21:57:59.000000000 -0400
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 	SMW_NS_TYPE           => 'Typ',
 	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => 'Diskusia o type',
 	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', // TODO: translate
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk' // TODO: translate
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Diskusia o concept' // TODO: translate
 protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php	2009-08-04 05:34:58.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_cn.php	2009-08-20 07:43:41.000000000 -0400
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => '符合于',  //Corresponds to
 	'_SERV' => '提供服务',      //Provides service
 	'_PVAL' => '允许值',      //Allows value
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => '修改日期',  // TODO: translate
+	'_ERRP' => '已不当值' // TODO: translate
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
 	SMW_NS_PROPERTY_TALK  => '性质讨论',	//'Property_talk',
 	SMW_NS_TYPE           => '型态',	//'Type',
 	SMW_NS_TYPE_TALK      => '型态讨论',	//'Type_talk'
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => 'Concept', // TODO: translate
-	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => 'Concept_talk' // TODO: translate
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT        => '概念', // TODO: translate
+	SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK   => '概念讨论' // TODO: translate
 protected $m_NamespaceAliases = array(
@@ -114,8 +114,26 @@
 	'Concept_talk'  => SMW_NS_CONCEPT_TALK
-protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_MDY,SMW_DMY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
+protected $m_dateformats = array(array(SMW_Y), array(SMW_MY,SMW_YM), array(SMW_DMY,SMW_MDY,SMW_YMD,SMW_YDM));
 protected $m_months = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsH = array( "1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "上午", "pm" => "下午");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[上下]午/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "公元", "AM" => "阿武曼迪", "BC" => "公元前",
+		"Gr" => "公历", "He" => "希伯來曆", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "儒略曆", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(公(历|元(前)?)|阿武曼迪|(希伯來|儒略)曆|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
diff -Nau SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php
--- SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php	2009-08-04 05:35:04.000000000 -0400
+++ SemanticMediaWiki-1.4.3.mod/languages/SMW_LanguageZh_tw.php	2009-08-20 07:42:12.000000000 -0400
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 	'_CONV' => '符合於',  //Corresponds to
 	'_SERV' => '提供服務',      //Provides service
 	'_PVAL' => '允許值',      //Allows value
-	'_MDAT' => 'Modification date',  // TODO: translate
-	'_ERRP' => 'Has improper value for' // TODO: translate
+	'_MDAT' => '修改日期',  // TODO: translate
+	'_ERRP' => '已不當值' // TODO: translate
@@ -116,6 +116,24 @@
 protected $m_months = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshort = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortAM = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsH = array( "1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_monthsshortH = array("1月", "2月", "3月", "4月", "5月", "6月", "7月", "8月", "9月", "10月", "11月", "12月");
+protected $m_ampm = array("am" => "上午", "pm" => "下午");
+protected $m_rgxampm = "/\040[上下]午/u";
+protected $m_calendar = array("AD" => "公元", "AM" => "阿武曼迪", "BC" => "公元前",
+		"Gr" => "公历", "He" => "希伯來曆", "JD" => "JD", "Jl" => "儒略曆", "MJD" => "MJD", "OS" => "OS");
+protected $m_rgxcalendar = "/(公(历|元(前)?)|阿武曼迪|(希伯來|儒略)曆|(M)?JD|OS)/u";
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