Second Stage Interoperability: NATO Trains For Combat In Europe Rick Rozoff

U.S. Army Europe is currently conducting a fifteen-nation, 4,000-troop military 
exercise at the Hohenfels Training Area in Germany, at the Joint Multinational 
Readiness Center in that Bavarian city.

The war games, code-named Combined Resolve-II, involve military personnel from 
thirteen European nations and one pseudo-nation, Kosovo.

All fifteen parties involved were identified on NATO's Allied Command 
Operations website as NATO allies (members) and partners (prospective members) 
"training for future operations."

This is perhaps the first time that the 28-nation, U.S.-controlled military 
bloc has acknowledged Kosovo as an alliance partner, although the latter's 
fledgling army, the Kosovo Security Force, was created by NATO's Kosovo Force 
(KFOR) and has been trained and provided with arms, armored vehicles and even 
uniforms by NATO as a whole and by respective member states of the bloc.

One of the other NATO partners, a member of the bloc's Partnership for Peace 
program which has been used to prepare all twelve post-Cold War alliance 
members for accession, is Serbia - the nation that NATO wrested Kosovo from 
fifteen years ago after an overpowering 78-day air war against the former 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of which Serbia was the core.

In addition to the U.S., Kosovo and Serbia, the other participating countries 
are NATO stalwarts France and Belgium, new NATO members in Eastern Europe - 
Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovenia - 
and Partnership for Peace members Austria and Georgia.

The NATO account of the event reiterates a theme commonly addressed over the 
past eighteen or so months: that with the drawdown of troops from no fewer than 
fifty NATO member and partner states in Afghanistan, the bloc's new integrated, 
combat-melded global military force - trained and hardened by over twenty years 
of war and post-war deployments in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Iraq 
(only partially acknowledged as a NATO operation), Libya and the Horn of Africa 
- is now being used by the U.S. for use in Europe.

The most significant paragraph of the NATO account of Combined Resolve-II 
(which includes the use of "cutting edge battlefield simulation equipment") 
cited above states:

"NATO and many Allied and Partnered nations have served most recently in 
Afghanistan and trained together for many years to develop and refine their 
standard operating procedures. Training on the scale of Combined Resolve-II 
allows these nations to test these standard operating procedures in near combat 
like scenarios."  

The website of the Joint Multinational Readiness Center offers an intriguing 
history of the Pentagon's Hohenfels Training Area, one that is surely pertinent 
to contemporary developments.

The training area was established by the Nazi German Wehrmacht in 1938, the 
year before Berlin's invasion of Poland and the beginning of World War II in 

In 1951 it passed into the hands of the American armed forces, which employed 
(and doubtlessly expanded and modernized) it exclusively until 1956. With the 
U.S. and NATO allies assisting in the formation of a new German army, the 
Bundeswehr, in West Germany in 1955 and its immediate incorporation into NATO 
(thereby provoking the Soviet Union and its Eastern European allies to found 
the Warsaw Pact) , U.S. military personnel at the Hohenfels Training Area were 
joined by West German forces and the facility was used by NATO nations until 
1988 under the name of the Combat Maneuver Training Center.

Toward the end of 2005 the latter was renamed the Joint Multinational Readiness 
Center (JMRC), which transformation, in the words of its website, "leverages 
the unique capability of the JMRC to train U.S. forces for joint and 
multinational coalition warfare" and "provides the best opportunity for U.S. 
Forces to train with their coalition partners prior to joining them in combat."

The site reports that over 60,000 U.S., NATO and NATO partnership forces are 
trained for the above purpose each year.

Stage two of Washington's use of NATO to train, deploy and employ the 
international military force that they have jointly crafted in the post-Cold 
War era has commenced. Trained abroad, it will now be used at home: Europe.

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