US Claims of Flight MH17 Downing by Militia Remain Unfounded – Russia’s Defense 


MOSCOW, July 24 (RIA Novosti) – The United States has not yet provided any 
documented evidence to prove that the rocket that brought down the Malaysia 
Airlines Boeing 777 was launched from militia-controlled territory, Russian 
Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said Thursday.

"It was stated that the data of the US technical intelligence and satellite 
photography confirmed the launch of the rocket from the militia-controlled 
territory. The question is: where is this data? Why hasn’t it been made 
available to the public?” Antonov said in an interview to the Rossiya-24 
television channel.

Antonov suggested that these facts are "still, so to speak, being manufactured."

The United States presented Tuesday the information it had to support its 
claims that the crash of  
 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, which killed 298 people last week, was a result 
of a shooting down by independence supporters in the region.

US officials said they were not sure who was behind the crash, saying 
independence supporters could have downed the airliner "by mistake." The 
officials said they relied in their conclusions partly on social media 
information and video recordings distributed by Ukrainian authorities.

Ukrainian government and militia have been trading blame for the alleged 
downing of the airliner ever since reports suggested foul play, with 
independence supporters saying they lacked the required technology to shoot a 
moving target at the given altitude.

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