SERM: The Lutheran Herald for the Third Day of Lent

2014-03-07 Thread Rev. Dcn. Jerry Dulas
*Scripture: Genesis 2:4-25 (NKJV)* 4 This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5 before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown. For the LORD God had not caused it

SERM: Gen. 3:1-21 (esp. 21); 1st Sun. in Lent; Mar. 9, 2014; LSB-A

2014-03-07 Thread Thomas Handrick
“Yahweh Elohim Covers Our Sins with His Blood-shed Covering” In the name of the Father and of the X Son and of the Holy Spirit. [Amen.] Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord [Amen.] “Our fatal will to equal Thee, Our rebel will wrought deat