SERM: Bap. of our Lord - Mark 1

2012-01-06 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu++ The Baptism of Our Lord St Mark 1:4-11 8 January 2012 Last week Jesus was eight-days-old. Today He is 30-years-old. Last week Jesus was being circumcised. Today He is being baptized. Last week Jesus received His name. Today the significance of that name becomes more

SERM: Christmas Day, John 1

2011-12-24 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Christmas Day St John 1:1-14 25 December 2011 In the four New Testament books that we call ‘gospels’ – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – we find two Christmas stories. The first is obvious. It’s found in Luke 2. There we read about a census, about people named Mary and

SERM: Palm Sunday

2011-04-16 Thread revbell
Good weekend, all, Here's my sermon for tomorrow. Pr Bell - +In Nomine Iesu+ Palm Sunday St Matthew 21:1-9 17 April 2011 It is one thing for a baby to be seen as humble, or gentle, or non-threatening. It is quite another

SERM: Advent 4 - Gospel

2010-12-18 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Rorate Coeli–Advent 4 St Matthew 1:18-25 19 December 2010 If you remember the old TV cops-and-robbers show, “Dragnet,” you will recall Sgt. Friday and his signature line – “Just the facts, ma’am.” Not much flair. Little emotion. Direct, and to the point. It was to be

SERM: funeral sermon

2010-12-11 Thread revbell
Here is the funeral sermon I preached for a 95-year-old member. Pr Bell +In Nomine Iesu+ Funeral of THOMAS “DUTCH” ABELE 4 December 2010 It was Shirley Schultz who called me Tuesday morning to tell me Dutch had died. You’ll recall that weather-wise

SERM: Advent 3

2010-12-11 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ GAUDETE—Advent 3 St Matthew 11:2-15 12 December 2010 The Latin name for the 3rd Sunday in Advent is Gaudete. It means “rejoice.” Notice how the Introit began today, “Rejoice in the Lord, always.” Something of that attitude is also noted by the Advent wreath. This morning

SERM: Pentecost 20 C

2010-10-10 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Pentecost 20 St Luke 17:11-19 10 October 2010 Every Sunday it plays itself out. Every Sunday the story of the healing of ten lepers plays itself out in the Church. Not a healing of physical leprosy, perhaps – but certainly the healing of the leprosy of the soul. The

SERM: Pentecost 11, Gospel

2010-08-08 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Pentecost 11 St Luke 12:22-34 8 August 2010 From your Confirmation instruction you will remember there are two great doctrines in the Bible. Those two are the Law, and the Gospel. They become the lenses through which we read God’s Word. And, though they are diametrically

SERM: Lent 1 - St Luke 4.1-13

2010-02-18 Thread revbell
Good evening all, Here is my sermon for this coming Sunday, Lent 1, based on the gospel for the day. Rev. Dean M. Bell First English Lutheran Church Fosston, MN -- +In Nomine Iesu+ INVOCAVIT—Lent 1 St Luke 4:1-13 21 February 2010

SERM: Advent 2

2009-12-05 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Populus Zion –Advent 2 St Luke 3:1-14 6 December 2009 Last Sunday, as we began Advent, mention was made of the mysterious nature of God’s time. We continue that thought today. Indeed, the mysteriousness of God’s time will be on our minds all through the weeks of Advent

SERM: Pentecost 17, Mark 9:38-50

2009-09-25 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Pentecost 17 St Mark 9:38-50 27 September 2009 I don’t know about you, but when I read today’s Gospel I become very uneasy. To describe this text as scary would not be an over statement. Look at the language. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to

SERM: Pentecost 15, Ser. B

2009-09-12 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ Pentecost 15 St Mark 9:14-29 13 September 2009 The incidents described in today’s gospel place us in the middle of a larger series of events. Obviously there are things to be learned here. And, if we look more broadly at what is going on we might find something we might

SERM: Easter 5

2009-05-10 Thread revbell
+In Nomine Iesu+ CANTATE—Easter 5 St John 15:1-8 10 May 2009 In your bulletin this morning is a paragraph from Luther. I would like to read it. “When you open the book containing the gospels and read or hear how Christ comes here or there, or how someone is brought to Him, you should