Sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas

The Sword Pierces Whom It Will Pierce

Theme: Not “Why does it have to be this way?” but “amen” and “May it be to me 
according to your Word.”

Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus 
Christ! In today’s Gospel, Simeon says to the Virgin Mary, “A sword will pierce 
through your own soul also.”

        Dear Christian friends,

        A few months prior to today’s Gospel, the angel Gabriel came to visit 
Mary. In his sermon to Mary, the angel said, 

You will conceive in your womb and bear a son. … the power of the Most High 
will overshadow you; therefore the child to be called holy—the Son of God (Luke 
1:31, 35).

Do you remember how Mary responded? “Let it be to me according to your Word.” 
Hold tightly to those Words, Christians. The Words, “Let it be to me according 
to your Word,” will not only help you understand the weight of today’s Gospel, 
but the same Words will give you a way to cope with your everyday sorrows and 
troubles. “Let it be to me according to your Word.” Essentially Mary said, in 
response Gabriel’s sermon, “Amen. Let it be so.”

        Not long after the angel’s visit, Mary grabbed her suitcase and went to 
the hill country for a visit with Elizabeth, who was in her sixth month of 
pregnancy with John the Baptist. When Mary greeted Elizabeth,

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit [which means Elizabeth spoke 
prophetically] and she exclaimed with a loud cry, “Blessed are you among women, 
and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And blessed is she who believed that 
there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord” (Luke 
1:42, 45).

What could Mary have said to that, other than another joyous “amen” and another 
faith-filled “Let it be to me according to your Word”? How could Mary not have 
said these Words during that warm and happy time of prenatal hope and joyous 
anticipation? Make good use of those Words during your happy times, dear 
saints. Those Words are an excellent way for you to respond when your God gives 
you both Good News and happy things 

·       When you hear the absolution, when you hear the assurance of God’s care 
and provision for you every day, when you receive the body and blood of Christ 
for the forgiveness of your sins, think of Mary’s Words. Say with Mary, in 
response to the cheerful news of all of God’s promises to you, “Let it be to me 
according to your Word.”

·       At the birth of a child in your family, at a job promotion, at the 
reconciliation of a broken relationship, at a good health report, at your 
children’s successes in life, and in all the brightest times of your life, make 
use of Mary’s Words as a way of speaking thanks and praise to the Father of 
heavenly lights: “Let it be to me according to your Word.” Amen. Let it be so.

After you have rejoiced in your pleasures from God, learn from today’s Gospel 
that Mary’s Words will serve you well in the shadows, just as faithfully as 
they do in the sunshine. After Gabriel and Elizabeth say what they were given 
to say to Mary, someone else speaks here in today’s Gospel. The message to Mary 
is not quite so overflowing with sparkle and delight this time. This man Simeon 
is not Gabriel, but he is angelic nevertheless. Simeon preaches and delivers 
the Words of God to Mary: “A sword will pierce through your own soul also.”

        Gone is the personal astonishment that Mary would be the one chosen 
from among all women to bear God into birth (Luke 1:42). Gone is the maternal 
giddiness she shared with Elizabeth at the baby shower. The rejoicing angels 
and the appreciative shepherds are now only memories for her to treasure and 
ponder in her heart (Luke 2:19). Gone is everything except for a new Baby and a 
sermon from an old man: “This Child is appointed for the fall and rising of 
many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through 
your own soul also.”

What in the world can Mary say to that? You can almost see her disconcerted 
eyes flit back and forth between Simon and Joseph and the Baby as she tries to 
process what she has just heard. Mary might not have fully understood what 
Simeon meant by a sword piercing her soul, but it could not have sounded very 
good to her. Yet Mary has no choice. It is not like she can send her Baby back. 
Even if she could, why would she? This Child is the One who saves Mary and you 
and all His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). The things that sound bad 
will have to be taken and accepted along with the things that sound good. Some 
things will need to be suffered and endured for the sake of greater things that 
are promised and assured.  “A sword will pierce through your own soul also.” 
There is only one way for Mary to respond to that, despite any misgiving or 
fear she might feel. Apart from this one response there is only abandonment and 
darkness and death: “Let
 it be to me according to your Word.” Amen. Let it be so.

Make Mary’s Words you anchor and your insistence and your highest praise to 
God, even when your life enters the shadows, beloved of God. Regard your 
Baptism into Christ in the same way that Mary regarded the birth of her Son: 
Would you really go back? Why would you want to go back and to what would you 
return? The Christ who miraculously entered into you at your Baptism is the 
One—the only One—who saves you from your sins. Apart from Him there is no life. 
Apart from Him there is only abandonment and darkness and death. Only He has 
the Words of eternal life. 

Think of the swords that have pierced you. Think also of future swords yet to 
come. You have not suffered and you will not suffer a single thing in your life 
apart from your heavenly Father’s foreknowledge and permission. If you think 
that sounds unjust or unfair, think of Mary and know that you are not alone. 
She knows how the sword of a loving God feels. Many other Christians do, too. 
The things that sound bad will have to be taken and accepted along with the 
things that sound good. Some things will need to be suffered and endured for 
the sake of greater things that are promised and assured. Simeon said to Mary, 
“A sword will pierce through your own soul also.” There is only one way for 
Mary to respond to that, no matter how little she might understand and in spite 
of any fears she might feel. In what other way can you respond to the sword in 
your own life? Are you going to give the Baby back? Far more beneficial, far 
more profitable for you to
 endure with Mary in the one true faith: “Let it be to me according to your 
Word.” Amen. Let it be so.


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