I caught something when I preached the sermon today.  It amazing how
important one little word can be.  I mistakenly did not put in the word
"not" when it should have been there.  It makes a world of difference.  The
paragraph is below:

One sentence SHOULD read "Jesus will NOT look upon His children and start
pointing out their faults."

             "The cross of Jesus is love, mercy, faithfulness,
steadfastness, forgiveness and victory.  Jesus will never turn you away if
you cry out to Him.  Jesus means to love you.  Even if all things in the
world seem to work against you, or Satan keeps pulling the sinner card on
you and showing you how awful you are, you are to be reminded that Jesus is
not that way.  Jesus will look upon His children and start pointing out your
faults.  The people who come to Him and cry out for His help find relief,
forgiveness, love, mercy, and protection.  Jesus is your all in all.  His
cross, His life, His bloody death and His glorious resurrection are the
things that have given victory to sinners."

Rev. Chad Kendall
Trinity Lutheran Church
Lowell, Indiana

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