Hes Siemelink wrote:
Alexander Zhukov wrote:

You might ask: "what do you mean, man?" :)


class MyComponent ... {
    init() {
       context = InitialContext();
       Service s = context.lookup(...);

    run() {

GOOD: (acceptable but not an excelent design solution)
class MyComponent {
    public MyComponent(Context ctx, ...) {
        Service s = ctx.lookup()

    run() {

You example is best-case scenario
CSI is not a good name though :) because Service in your example is just a dependency, which means CDI name still applies

And if I understand correctly, CSI (Constructor Service Injection ;-) would be

class MyComponent {
   Service service;

   public MyComponent(Service service) {
       this.service = service;

   run() {

I think the latter approach is cleanest from an OO-modeling pointof view, but what matters most is that the approach is consistent throughout an application or library.



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