Hello all,

While working on Cassandra blob store cache, we discussed our usage of
conditional logic within Guice modules.

Our conclusion so far is:

Should we have the DistributedJamesServerMain doing a lookup on the
configuration to know if it should compose the cache module?



Thus, in an effort to abandon this anti pattern, I took the time to
consider why we use such conditional statements in guice, for which
purposes, and propose an alternative solution. I wrote both an
Architecture Decision Record, that you can find below, as well than a
full pull request (https://github.com/linagora/james-project/pull/3261).

What is your opinion concerning this (crucial) topic?




ADR Pull request: https://github.com/apache/james-project/pull/188

# 36. Against the use of conditional statements in Guice modules

Date: 2019-12-29

## Status

Accepted (lazy consensus)

## Context

James products relies historically on Spring for injections. Spring
version is outdated (4.3.25 instead of 5.3 release line).
Spring enables overriding any component via a configuration file thus
endangering overall correctness by giving too much
power to the user.

James propose several implementation for each of the interfaces we
define. We don't run tests for each possible interface
combination. We rather run integration tests for combinations that makes
sens. By overriding any components, spring defeats
this testing logic. Knowing which component implementation combines well
with which other one is not intuitive to users,
hard to document and test.

We thus decided to rely on Guice. Components are defined by code in a
static fashion. Overriding components requires
explicit code modification and recompilation, thus warning the user
about the impact of the choices he does, and lowering
the project responsibility.

With Guice we expose only supported, well tested combinations of
components, thus addressing the combination issue.

Instead of having a single big application being able to instantiate
each and every component application, we have
several product defining their dependencies in a minimalistic way,
relying only on the components implementation that
are needed.

Here is the list of products we rely on:

 - memory-guice: A memory based James server, mainly for testing purposes
 - Distributed James: A scalable James server, storing data in various
data stores. Cassandra is used for metadata,
 ElasticSearch for search, RabbitMQ for messaging, and ObjectStorage for
byte contents.
 - Cassandra-guice: An implementation step toward Distributed James. It
do not include messaging and ObjectStorage.
 - JPA-guice: A JPA and Lucene based implementation of James. Only Derby
driver is currently supported.
 - JPA-smtp: A minimalistic SMTP server based on JPA storage technology.

Some components however do have several subtly diverging implementation
a user might choose to rely on independently
of the product he uses. This is the case for:

 - BlobExport: Exporting a blob from the blobStore to and external user.
Two implementation are currently supported:
 localFiles and LinShare.
 - Text extraction: Extracting text from attachment to enable attachment
search. There is a Tika implementation, but
 lighter, JSOUP based options are also available.

In order to keep the cardinality of Guice products low, we decided to
use conditional statements in modules based on the
configuration to select which one to enable. Eventually defeating the
Guice adoption goals mentioned above.

Finally, Blob Storing technology offers a wide combination of technology:

 - ObjectStorage in itself could implement either Swift APIs or Amazon
 - We decided to keep supporting Cassandra for blob storing as an
upgrade solution from Cassandra-guice to Distributed
James for existing users.
 - Proposals such as
[HybridBlobStore](0014-blobstore-storage-policies.md) and then
[Cassandra BlobStore cache](0025-cassandra-blob-store-cache.md) proposed
to leverage Cassandra as a performance
(latency) enhancer for ObjectStorage technologies.

Yet again it had been decided to use conditional statements in modules
in order to lower the cardinality.

However, [Cassandra BlobStore cache](0025-cassandra-blob-store-cache.md)
requires expensive resource initialization
requiring to perform upgrade procedure (usage of an additional cache
keyspace) that represents a cost we don't want to
pay if we don't rely on that cache. Not having the cache module thus
enables quickly auditing that the caching cassandra
session is not initialized. See
as well as

### Audit

The following modules perform conditional statements upon injection time:

 - BlobExportMechanismModule : Choice of the export mechanism
 - ObjectStorageDependenciesModule::selectBlobStoreBuilder: Choice
between S3 and Swift ObjectStorage technologies
 - TikaMailboxModule::provideTextExtractor: Choice of text extraction
 - BlobStoreChoosingModule::provideBlobStore: Choice of BlobStore
technology: Cassandra, ObjectStorage or Hybrid
 - [Cached blob
store](https://github.com/linagora/james-project/pull/3319) represents a
similar problem: should the
 blobStore be wrapped by a caching layer?

## Decision

We should no longer rely on conditional statements in Guice module.

We should within James main method, upon James startup read the
configuration and select the modules that should be
selected to run it, before calling the Guice injector to perform its
full startup.

This enables easy diagnose of the running components via the selected
module list. It exposes tested, safe choices to
the user while limiting the Guice products count.

Basic minimalistic integration tests will be written to cover the
possibilities exposed to the user, by statically
composing the given modules.

Concerning the usages listed above :

 - [Cached blob store pull
request](https://github.com/linagora/james-project/pull/3319) addresses
 ObjectStorageDependenciesModule::selectBlobStoreBuilder and Cassandra
Blob Store Cache conditional statement.
 - [S3 native blobStore
along side with S3 endpoints
 support as part of Swift removes the need to select the Object Storage
 - Follow up work needs to be plan concerning
`BlobExportMechanismModule` and `TikaMailboxModule::provideTextExtractor`.

## Consequences

Integration testing can not offer conditional, configuration based
module composition. This is because:

 - Integration test don't rely on Main classes but on GuiceJamesServer
class with similar guice modules
 - Overriding a configuration file within a same maven module is painful

As a consequence, we should define statically the modules an integration
test needs to run. Configuration defined Guice
modules declaration logic cannot be tested with the integration
technique we have.

Unit tests and integration tests for the possible module composition
should limit the risks.

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