> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 25 April 2005 22:27
> To: James-Dev Mailing List
> Cc: Darrell DeBoer; Jason Webb
> Subject: Handling the existing proposals/ directory
> Jasons and Darrell,
> With regard to the proposals directory, I am wondering ... should I copy
> it
> over to the new branch that will become the trunk?  Or do we want to keep
> such things out of the trunk, and use branches to work on such long term
> projects that aren't yet merged?
> Proposals has:
>   SASL
>   RMI Remote Manager
>   IMAP
>   IMAP 2
> I don't believe that anyone has touched either of the first two in ages.
> RMI Remote Manager hasn't changed since the initial import 3 years ago.
> Likewase, SASL hasn't been touched in years.  IMAP is a dead end, as I
> understand it.

I picked up the IMAP2 proposal as it was the most recent and appeared to
have the most complete IMAPv4 stack implementation.

> Only IMAP2 is considered current.  It isn't ready to be merged, and when
> it
> is, it won't be in a proposals directory.
> Hence, my leaning towards not doing anything with it, and then once the
> merger is done, we can create a branch from that working code, copy IMAP2
> to
> it, and people contributing to IMAP can work on it in the branch until it
> is
> ready to be merged back into trunk.

This sounds sensible to me, and means I can work in isolation with some of
the core bits that might be a bit lethal to James as a whole. 
I assume that the proposals/IMAP2 will exist in the IMAP branch?
If this is the case (and it's what I want to do for now) then I can start
pulling some of the IMAP code into the James core as I alter code to support
the IMAP requirements.

>       --- Noel

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