> > <...> about Sub version?  :-)  Want to be the first James 
> <.....>?  We
> are going to have to start migrating to it, anyway, soon enough.
> No. That should be a PMC decision, and I think we do it 
> once-for-all, when we're asked/invited to not before and not 
> piecemeal. Moving to subversion is potentially a 
> substantially disruptive step and while I would welcome the 
> benefit I don't think we should be rushing into it. Splitting 
> the project across two different versioning systems offers 
> more disadvatages than advantages.
OK, I'm quite happy with that.
I plan to install Subversion locally (at our office) to get a feel for
it so I can be slightly more informed...
> Lets discuss this (sub version) properly, prepare a road map 
> and have a vote.
> d.

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