Thanks Tony, I'll work on it when I get back to a real computer.

Note the doc's been renamed per another's suggestion:

   - 21 How can I remotely manage my Internet-in-a-Box?

Keep the suggestions coming, Thanks all!

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 8:36 PM, Tony Anderson <> wrote:

> Hi, Adam
> Your link below does not discuss the basic issue: how to connect to a
> school server where the internet is not available at the deployment (the
> normal case).
> The need is for a remote administrator to access the schoolserver. Since
> most school servers use fairly portable hardware, one could be taken to an
> internet cafe. Another option might be connection via gsm. In either case,
> there would be a need for a usb-ethernet cable (for gsm to a dongle or
> mobile device sharing internet access).
> Presumably the person at the schoolserver end could access 'internet in a
> box' to determine the dhcp url to the wan and send that to the remote
> administrator (IRC?). This presumes the local person has a way to connect
> to internet in a box by wifi (an XO?).
> As a consequence of these complexities, my effort has been to provide a
> schoolserver that does not need external intervention for at least a school
> year.
> At the local site, the only need is to power off and power on the
> schoolserver.
> If there is a problem such as failure of dhcp on boot, the deployment may
> lose the schoolserver until the next opportunity for intervention. If the
> schoolserver is accessible by lan, it may be possible to talk the local
> person through accessing ssh through a local client.
> Even when internet is available, xsce is set up to accept ssh via the lan
> network. The need is for an ssh session from the wan side which somehow
> allows the adminstrator to see what a client on the lan side sees. When a
> change is made to the schoolserver screens, the adminstrator needs to see
> the result. This could perhaps be done by someone local on the lan
> describing the changes.
> Tony
> On 03/10/2017 06:39 AM, Adam Holt wrote:
> There are many security/convenience tradeoffs embedded here (thank to 3
> years of work by George Hunt tuning OpenVPN) so please reply with
> suggestions all who can, as we do our best to hit this perpetually moving
> target:
>    - 21 How can one remotely access Internet-in-a-Box servers?
> <>
> Thanks!  Related:
>    - 9 What are the default passwords?
> <>
>    - 16 What security tips exist?
> <>

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