[jira] Created: (SM-494) Problems with JMSFlow and sendSync in start() callbacks.

2006-07-24 Thread Michael Studman (JIRA)
Problems with JMSFlow and sendSync in start() callbacks. Key: SM-494 URL: https://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/SM-494 Project: ServiceMix Issue Type: Bug Components: ser

[jira] Created: (SM-469) XMLStreamHelper / servicemix-jms won't transport XML with top element not in a namepsace, and has problems with top level default namespace not bound to a prefix

2006-06-22 Thread Michael Studman (JIRA)
XMLStreamHelper / servicemix-jms won't transport XML with top element not in a namepsace, and has problems with top level default namespace not bound to a prefix ---

[jira] Created: (SM-442) JMXWriter munges attribute values by partially URL encoding them, doesn't represent array values very well

2006-06-01 Thread Michael Studman (JIRA)
JMXWriter munges attribute values by partially URL encoding them, doesn't represent array values very well -- Key: SM-442 URL: https://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/SM-442

[jira] Created: (SM-340) InstallationClassLoader only loads classes from the first shared library for a component

2006-03-06 Thread Michael Studman (JIRA)
InstallationClassLoader only loads classes from the first shared library for a component Key: SM-340 URL: http://jira.activemq.org/jira//browse/SM-340 Project: ServiceMix Type: