ServiceMix 3.1.1 release - when?

2007-06-07 Thread Rossmanith, Philipp
Dear all, I've been following the vote about releasing 3.1.1. Did you reach a decision yet? When will it be released? Ciao, Philipp This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. Any unauthorised copying, use or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited.

RE: Remote deployment of service assemblies

2007-05-17 Thread Rossmanith, Philipp
e the wsa:address, the topic and an identifier. > -Mensaje original- > De: Guillaume Nodet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Enviado el: martes, 20 de marzo de 2007 11:21 > Para: > Asunto: Re: Remote deployment of service assemblies > > On 3/

RE: [jira] Doc reorg

2007-03-16 Thread Rossmanith, Philipp
Some propositions: - Everything under Documentation>Architecture should be moved to Developers>... - In Developers, a division into information related to administration (e.g. becoming a committer, ...) and coding (e.g. architecture) would be appreciated - Supplying the glossary with names of stan

RE: [jira] Commented: (SM-846) Call to default constructor ofJBIContainer changes log4j log level

2007-02-19 Thread Rossmanith, Philipp
Hi Guillaume, Sorry, I was already out of office when you sent the mail... I saw that you did a fix, and I'll check if it works for me. Thanks! The problem first occurred in one of my own test cases, but then I reproduced it in the SecuredBroker test case by instantiating a Logger there right be

Maven troubles with ServiceMix 3.0 - Follow-up 2

2007-01-22 Thread Rossmanith, Philipp
tribute to documentation? Ciao, Philipp Rossmanith > -Mensaje original- > De: Rossmanith, Philipp > Enviado el: viernes, 19 de enero de 2007 18:23 > Para: > Asunto: RE: Maven troubles with ServiceMix 3.0 - Follow-up > > > Not yet :-) I