I'm trying to setup a reverse ssh tunnel via ssh'ing into my VPS running shorewall.

I believe I am creating the tunnel properly
ssh me@myhost -R 7777:localhost:80

On the VPS it seems to be created the listener:
netstat -an | grep 7777
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 ::1:7777                :::*                    LISTEN

But I cannot connect through it.
I tried adding a straight ACCEPT rule in shorewall, but that does not give any connection from outside. (nmap doesn't see the port, etc). I tried adding a DNAT rule pointing to, but that shows as filtered when I nmap, and again will not connect through.

I assume I'm missing something basic, but I've never tried reverse ssh tunnels before. I did notice that I CAN connect from the VPS box through the reverse tunnel to my machine, so the tunnel itself obviously works, which means I'm apparently missing the right way to setup shorewall to let other connect through it to the tunnel.

Any help would be appreciated.


Mark II
Mark D. Montgomery II

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