Hello Bruce,

Thanks for your reply.

From:   Bruce Bannerman <bruban...@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon, 30 Nov 2020 18:26:04 +1100
> I’ve been using Shorewall under Debian for quite a while without to 
> much trouble.

Yes, Shorewall has been working here for more than five years.  Recently two 
factors have introduced a little difficulty.
(1) Switching the 'net connection from always-on cable to WiFi 
  connected to a mobile access point.
(2) Failure of a HDD necessitating reinstallation of the OS.

> I assume that you have seen the Debian packaging rationale for 
> Shorewall in the docs directory, together with the example files for 
> several configurations.
> From memory, these are in /usr/share/docs/shorewall
> And  /usr/share/shorewall respectively.

Thanks for the reminder.  Will review files there.

> This should get you in the right area if my memory is wrong. ;-)

Thanks.  The pages at shorewall.org suffice, more or less.  I tripped on 
the intended use of the params file, NET_IF and the "physical=" option.
The replies from Justin and Matt helped to clear the fog.

Regards,                             ... P.

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